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Nostradamus C1 Q05: Litigation increases dramatically over 21st C pollution woes
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, June 2023

The anagrams of this verse define quite clearly a scenario consistent with that in the text but it is a story of our time and acts as a calendar marker for one of the more important mutations that threaten our world. It is quite unexpected that any verse by Nostradamus would include reference to the health hazards of cigarettes and the harmful impact of carbon yet there are quite powerful anagrams in the verse which support such a tale. It is evident that these issues involve a long drawn out fight and those living in the country are likely to experience the greatest harm.

Nostradamus Verse C1 Q05 Europnes power sourcce baron prosecuted for harm to earth's environmentIn constructing his verses Nostradamus used the original progression in his master copy and paired each verse with an unused verse from a later part of his centuries.

In this instance C1 Q05 from the master copy is transferred to C10 Q65 and the verse from that location was transferred to C1 Q05.

Both verses carried tell tale signs of their original location. These are apparent in the text and a key in the anagrams. And through the anagrams  for sensory abilities they are both tied to the evolutionary advance of our species in the next hundred years or so.

The story in the last 100 of the verses in his published work is clearly about the religious disruptions of the Christ cloene era while its anagrams saying Nostredamus encodement agennos status denouncement makes it the header of that story in Nostradamus pointers to what is to come later in our century. These pointers are logically located in the first 100 verses of his master copy.

# Pyranose is a collective term for carbohydrates that have a chemical structure that includes a six-membered ring consisting of five carbon atoms and one oxygen atom.

DATA Section

C1 Q05
Original Verse in English and French (Benoit Ed.)

They will be driven away for a long drawn out fight
The countryside will be most grievously troubled.
Town and country will have greater struggle.
Carcassonne and Narbonne will have their hearts tried

Chaſſes ſeront pour faire long combat
Par le pays ſeront plus fort greues
Bourg et cite auront plus grand debat
Carcaſ Narbonne auront coeur eſprouuez

L1: <norSe tupor gierfalcon Combat aSheS><four regional><cologne friar><reasSSeSs batCh><ur SeeS proton long afire><a longer comb SCatheS norSe tupor>congo fairer

L2: <player Sportfulness Pause><norSe Peruse paralyse><aPparel for Sensory gesture><prayerleSs Pause><norSE Pleasure pays><for Sensatory><pyranoSes (cyclic carbohydrate isomer) pleasure>

L3: <aBout not branded cigarette plugs ><reputation etc><aBbot urge><our branded plugs get eructation (burping)>

L4: <europeS Czar rouu><arcaNaS born><counter pouuerS Craze><proSecute rouu Craze><perSecutor ouue baron Car Scan><a-neutron repouuers carbon-aceous carz><carboN-aceuz carS a-neutron pouuer-source>
1: sportfulness, gierfalcon, persecutor, prayerless, pyranoses, cigarette, paralyses, abbot, Czar,
2: pouuer-source, reputation, sensatory, batch,
3: eructation, Cologne, players, Congo, assess,
4: counterpose, prosecute, reappeals, regional, contour, apparels, branded, repayal, about, banded, sashes, cauze,
5: plutons (2x), reassess, uuorze, friar, boat,
6: parley, essay,
7: sensory, apparel, craze,
8: says,
9: brogue, gesture, fairer,
10: sachets / scathes, alienor,
11: barns,
12: barons,
13: -
14: pleasure, longer, Bonne,
15: Burgo, pays,
16: pouuers, proton, refail, cog,
17: -
18: -
19: Europes, bout,
20: beat / beta,
21: chats, baron,
22: croton,
23: -

Key Ideas:

sportfulness, players, prayerless, persecutor, branded, cigarette, cause, batch, eructation, paralyses, abbot, prosecute, friar, reappeals, about, pyranoses, sensatory, contour, Czar, assess, Congo, pouuer-source, reputation, counterpose, regional, repayal, banded, sashes, Cologne, worse, sensory, craze, fairer, essay, gesture, says, longer, pleasure, proton, powers, scathes, Europes, Barons.



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