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Nostradamus C1 Q14: Noah's Sons as allusion for aftermath of 21st C flood period.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

My aims for this Analysis.

This verse holds links to the Biblical story of Noah's family line and its connection to the Viking story of Ragnarok and the Twilight of the Gods.

There are a group of verses that are bound together by strong ideas about genetic lineage and I believe this is one of them. It is bound to this thread via its use of the rare anagrams for eugenist and interspecies and it places these events in the lands once occupied by Noah's sons.

It also has a modern context that becomes more apparent as the threads are followed since they suggest revolution in Belarus is a critical component of the story of the religious wars that fall upon mankind during the coming years of this current century.

And the third line has an anagram for ZATO that only occurs in this line in Nostradamus' Prophecies. This term is an  acronym used by the soviet state to identify newly built cities to service nuclear activities. They were secret cities that are also stateless because of that secrecy.

The legacy of those cities is currently fulfillling much of the tenor and specifics given in the text.

See the following paper for the Rationale & Rules underlying my work on Nostradamus. 

DATA section

From the enslaved populace, songs, chants and demands
while Princes and Lords are held captive in prison
These will in the future by headless idiots
be received as divine prayers

The surface view provided by the text of the above verse is a typical scene of a mob during and after a revolution. The anagrams found within this text provide a framework within which this allusive work may be interpreted and it involves eugenics that shape a surviving populace. The mataphor on which it draws is the story of Noah's sons who together with their wives repopulated the earth after the floods but as is common with these verses the thrust is also to later times and for events yet to happen. Each period is linked by the existence of great floods with the period to come being at the end of the 21st century (see Floods) at which point Nostradamus' new allusion draws on the Norse Ragnarok legend and the renewing flood at The Twilight of the Gods.

The anagrams from which the understanding of this verse emerge include:

Noahs sons chant queerest request seed set Athens threatens gene Lucashenca castle neglects
De gent eſclaue chanſons chants et requeftes

prescient eugenist seeing war prisons pacts interspecies Wagner narcosis prix session
Captifs par Princes et Seigneur aux prisons

stateless adulates a ruined unsalaried pair idiot stanzas enstates radii
A l'aduenir par idiotz ſans teſtes

a version is upraised cornerstones diviner encaptures
Seront receus par diuines oraiſons
From the enslaved populace, songs, chants and demands
while Princes and Lords are held captive in prison
These will in the future by headless idiots
be received as divine prayers
De gent eſclaue chanſons chants et requeftes
Captifs par Princes et Seigneur aux prisons
A l'aduenir par idiotz ſans teſtes
Seront receus par diuines oraiſons
  1. <seeD neglectS threatens queSt><Sons requeSt chasten lucaShenca (President of Belarus?)> <each Son nucleateS> athens queerest noahS gene
  2. <eugeniSt sincere><uuarx asCriptions><Prescient Seeing uuarx prison><uuagner sons prix interSPecies Pact> <Persistence if sons uuearing prix Pact> reinSPects narCosis
  3. <a StAteless pair ruined> <AtlaSes Sanest iotz> Adulates eStAtes
  4. <rapid use iS Reason cornerStones >< arose in SeSsion urdi pause><~so norSe recaptures diuine Sons air~>

1: frequentest, ascriptions, interspecies, Lucashenca, threatens, stateless, atlases, radii,
2: persistence, unsalaried, encaptures, neglects, adulates, uuearing, scions, Athens, queft, 
3: diuiner, cornerstones, captions, nucleates, queerest, estates,
4: eugenist, session, uuarx, tests,
5: reinspects, recaptures, assents, rapid (2x),
6: chastens, upraised, cleanest, Noahs,
7: UUagner, rapids, sincere,
8: prescient, request,
9: narcosis,
10: chasten, diuine,
11: -
12: unrailed, chants, unripe, rescue / secure,
13: exiles, exile,
14: prison, castle, pacts,
15: entreats, nieces,
16: unpaired / unrepaid,
17: princes,
18: enroute,
19: Celts,
20: -
21: centre / center, 
22: encites, clause, edges, caps, 

Key Ideas:

interspecies, Lucashenca, threatens, stateless, atlases, diuiner, ascriptions, radii, unsalaried, persistence, encaptures, cornerstones. Athens, adulates, neglects, eugenist, tests, session, wars, rapid, assents, chastens, cleanest, Noahs sons, upraised, prescient, request, narcosis, unripe, chants, entreats, prison, castle, encites, centre, pacts.

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