Nostradamus C1 Q28: The allusion of barbarity that dogs the wars of the 21st century.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015
In this verse Nostradamus relates the barbaric nature of the war to come
in this century to those of older times. These wars involved hideous acts
of cruelty and in our times these actions are related to persons in the
Christian Church in Rome.
It is likely that the constellation dating in the fourth line represents
two different times during which the Mars, Saturn and Jupiter are in close
alignment. Over the period 1CE to 2400CE this type of event occurred in
Taurus during 292CE and 1146CE (time of second crusade) while its only
occurrence in Libra was 392CE. In November 2100CE a conjunction of these
planets will occur but it is slightly displaced with it being in Virgo but close to the
boundaries of Libra.
Anagrams from which the keys will come include:
1. Tafurs best Arab unafraid obdurate Cracow alter
2. Papers maps
longest quivers unique sphere base quell
3. Eudoxus elegiambus [meter]
used doubtless forsent grant liberates beast
4. Requitable waters quell tribal wars brutalise more
Eudoxus: a highly rated
early Greek astronomer and mathematician who invented astronomic globe.
C1 Q28
Original Verse in English and French (Benoit Ed.)
The tower of Boucq wiil fear the barbarian fleet for a time, then much later
the Western fleet. Cattle, people, possessions, all will be quite
lost What a deadly combat in Taurus and Libra.
La tour de Boucq craindra fuſte Barbare Vn temps,long temps
apres barque heſperique Beſtail, ges meubles tous deux feront grant
tare Taurus et Libra quelle morelle pique
Adjacent Anagrams
Anagrams of highest merit. Selection
Order based on letter rarity, word and sequence length plus line
L1: <in quoccra (Kracow) Be arab reaL tafurS (
Christian cannibals in 1st Crusade) oBtrude><bare BreaSt fraud in racq><reaL Barb in
oBdurate quoccra>
L2: <longest maps><he re-equipS barques long
papers met><barques papers Vnique Sphere><eVent re-equipS><base papers
met> <vnique peSher>
L3: <treat elegiambus / iambegelus (meter)
used to grant BeSt ><doubtless not refuxe grant liBerateS bluest
gems><solute used><eudoxus (4th C BCE Gk) blest>
L4: subLiTerature
equal rome><resuLt Qabir><equip sTeuuart><requiTable uuaters
equip>uuastrel brutaLise
Table listing anagram occurrences (1-23)
1: sub-literature, requitable, doubtless, millepore,
Quoccra, tribal, arcq (cq=k), 2: elegiambus / iambelegus, brutalise,
liberates, unafraid, legumes, 3: Steuuart, barques, quiver,
Tafurs, 4: obdurate, Eudoxus, frauds, refuxe, Faust, forex, 5:
boletus, bastile,
bemuse / embues, Qabir, 6: longest maps,
uuastrel / UUalters, uniqve, 7: doubter / obtrude, refuxed, equipt,
bluest / subtle, uuarts, buraq / burqa (x2), barrel, 8: longest,
bristle / blister, pampers, ligate, batter, quell, belts, gems, 9:
libra, uuart, 10: re-equips, barque (x2), berates / rebates, iseult,
uterus / suture, robed, tubes, 11: re-equip, uuaters, Pesher, sphere,
sheep, 12: requips, breast / barest, arable, 13:
Elouisa, restores, douses, 14: uuater, uuars, 15: Doube, uuares /
uuears / suuear, rebase, 16: radian, bees, 17: Euclid, restore,
gets, 18: solutes, fraud, Pelle, beset, 19: -, 20: blues, beat
/ beta, 21: ousted, 22: solute, tudor, beast / beats (x2),
23: result.
Key Ideas:
sub-literature, doubtless, requitable, Quoccra, tribal, ark, Tafurs,
brutalise, Stewart, liberates, unafraid, quiver, obdurate, Eudoxus,
frauds, refuxe, Qabir, longest maps,
unique, barrel, obtrude,
subtle, tubes re-equip, elegiambus, wars, waters, restores, Euclid,