Nostradamus C01 Q32: Material from a comet leads to a new being
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, May 2023
When reading any of Nostradamus' verses people have had to rely on
external events in order to interpret its significance.
Throughout my work
I show how the anagrams of each line deliver a structure that, as
Nostradamus claimed, has one and only one meaning. The degree to which
this hidden material can lead us along unexpected paths is well
illustrated by this particular verse.
The first line tells us to start from the great Empire but to convert it
to a time when biology is capable of changing the old time basics. The
second line tells us to take particular note of a human seed while the
third tells us that there is to be an injection of spores from a comet
into that seed from which will grow a special son. There are also anagrams for two rare earths
niobite and seleniuret
whose components are used in the modern electronics industry.
The anagrams that will provide the frame for understanding this verse
legates enlarged premise rotates
gendarme semiprostrate arteries to start aslant
Le grand empire ſera toſt tranſlate
Benoist quit to invest by ostentive, doctrinaires Seleniuret type
En lieu petit qui bien toſt
viendra croiſtre
feminine d'Guise / guides comet Jubilee
Lieu bien infime d'exigue comte
Europe-invaders juvenile son prosecute Wiliaem pardons Norse
invader percutaneous spores Ou au milieu
viendra poſer ſon ſceptre
C1 Q32
Original Verse in English and French (Benoit Ed.)
The great Empire will soon be exchanged for a small place, which
soon will begin to grow. A small place of tiny area in the
middle of which he will come to lay down his arms.
Le grand empire ſera toſt tranſlate En lieu petit qui bien toſt
viendra croiſtre Lieu bien infime d'exigue comte Ou au milieu
viendra poſer ſon ſceptre
Adjacent Anagrams
Anagrams of highest merit. (~ means full line
used) Selection
Order based on letter rarity, word and sequence length plus line
L1: <~enLarged alterantS rotateS primeS~><So arterieS
dampen><Start to eraSe Legate reprimand><gendarme respire> <~enLarged
SemiproStrate alterantS~><Sealant enLarged premiSe>eaSter
<benoit inveSt quit tie up linE><EntrieS rancored><rEcreationS
driven><raceriotS driven> <coriander EnterS>Soviet doctrinairES oStensive
corSair rESilent rioters
L3: <feminine guidex comet lie><nine if
deem iubiLee comet>
L4: <~uuiliem operaS driven prOSecute a
Son~><~invader reSpect uuiliem oua (ova) pOorneSS~>< invader Spores
uuiliem no reSpect><mi rule-divine So a percutaneous Spore><unvaried Spore
Son reSpect>
Table listing anagram occurrences (1-23)
Nostradamus' Prophecies
1: Europe-invaders, doctrinaires, percutaneous,
feminine, guidex, 2: semiprostrate, overdistant, ostentive, poorness, rancored, niobite,
Jubilee, 3:
coriander, seleniuret, resilient, 4: counterpose, prosecute, Juvenile,
Corsair, 5: Guixe, 6: divine-rule, unliveried, raceriots, 7: recreations,
UUiliaem, unvaried, rotates / rosetta, motile,
Soviet, 8: reprimand, impend, spores, comet, 9: alterants, UUiliem,
Aesop, 10: pardons, dampen, 11: Pimander,
Benoist, arteries, legate, 12: unpile, diex, 13: premieres,
Benoit, 14: start, orate, 15: listener,
16: gendarme, epiderm, primed, 17: sealant, rioters, invest, 18:
respect / sceptre / spectre, aslant, 19: premise, primes,
20: respire, 21: derivant, 22: -, 23:
Key Ideas:
Europe-invaders, doctrinaires, feminine, percutaneous,
coriander, Seleniuret, guidex, semiprostrate, ostentive, divine-rule,
poorness, rancored, niobite, Jubilee, resilient, juvenile, recreations,
gendarme, prosecute, pardons, dampen, Benoist, arteries, Corsair, Soviet,
reprimand, unvaried, comet, motile, spores, start, derivant, premise,
rioters, respect.