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Nostradamus C1 Q35: Fate's hand in the death of Henry II of France
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, 2022

This is one of the most famous verses of Nostradamus. Its fame comes from its deadly accuracy of the details of King Henry II of France's death through wounds incurred in a tournament during june, 1559. This verse was first published in 1555, four years before the event.

Because of the accuracy of the text there was and is no need for the anagrams to give detail of the death of Henry at the hands of Gabriel de Lorges comte de Montgomery. The main entry in the anagrams relating to that event lie in the third line with the post potent being that for delorges  and instead it gives another story of how this verse transfers to events in a later time. This verse is the only one that contains an anagram for de Lorges (ge d'or les) and to the best of my knowlege no one found that occurrence before me. TIn that same line there are other uncanny relevant anagrams for older eyes (es ye )and casing (ns caig) that are highly relevant to the event in which De Lorges was involved.

Nostradamus Verse C1Q35 Agennos Lord Jesus de Lorges Henry deathI have seen efforts to dicredit the reputation and the validity of this verse by claiming it was a later creation late in the 16th century but that doesn't stack up since it would be impossible and improbable that such an entry would have been placed in the anagrams to be found nearly 500 years later. In addition there is credible evidence that Henry's wife Catherine de Medici believed such an entry lay in Nostradamus' Prophecies.

In this verse there are two anagrams which posssibly apply to the original and Jesus; Iesux (ieux ſ) in the first line and Lord Yesux  (d'or l_ e yeux) in the third. The spelling is imperfect however it is known Nostradamus spelt that name as Iesus in his Epistle and I have given evidence throughout my works that  to conceal critical names he had to make it so that the anagrams for these individuals could not be easily decoded. Repetition of names using perfect spelling is a common starting point for breaking any code. To avoid this there is evidence Nostradamus used ancient Hebraic coding trick of Gematria (letter substitution). There are only two anagrams for gematria in his prophecies one of them is C2 Q25 where the second line has adjacent anagrams (front and end for poetries gematria)

DATA section

The young lion will overcome the older one,
in a field of combat in single fight:
He will pierce his eyes in their golden cage;
two wounds in one, then he dies a cruel death.
Le lyon jeune le vieux ſurmontera
En champ bellique par ſingulier duelle
Dans caige d'or les yeux luy creuera
Deux claſſes vne puis mourir, mort cruelle

L1: <Lonely numerator evil uxeS> <mournS only june reLate evil uxe> <orMus (Persian Gulf) eternaLly uxe evil><only ieSux (Jesus) remount real june> montreaL enjoy

L2: <hEnce bell map equip Singular ride><pariS ungirdle><hence parqueS (fates) in uglier map><~hEnce guile in parQues map duller libel~><perSian guile ruled quill><dire rulingS><ligurianS (Genoans) equip bell map><rude pleaSuring> upraiSe / Piraeus

L3: <yes arcaDians (Greeks) cruely relodge uxe><lux casing older eyes><arcaDians gored><canada's glorieD eyes rue lux>

L4: <excluDe cruel unimperious vaSSels><truce mirror claSS uxed seven ell><supine vaSSEl excluDe><seven excuSalS><cruel Deluxe Scales>europiums (rare earth element)

1: unimperious, Ligurians, Arcadians, eternally, ungirdle, campthene, rulings, Canadas, liuing, relodge, curly, geoid,
2: pleasuring, europiums, singular, vassels, mirror, slyer,
3: excusals, parsing, really, enjoy, sevens, calx,
4: Pasquiler, excusal, uuilder, casing, using,
5: numerators, clux,
6: numerator, ceasing,
7: classes, Adige, isxue / Iexus, eyes,
8: remounts, loyaler, lonely, grins, gored,
9: mourns,
10: -,
11: easy,
12: uglier, Gedi,
13: Montreal, deliuer,
14: exclude, supine, mourn, lord, qill (q=k)
15: lasses,
16: remount, Piraeus /upraise, sorely, quill, deriue, seven,
17: eternal,
18: cry,
19: Parques, guile, elven,
20: apart,
21: june,
22: libel,
23: deluxe, hence.

unimperious, Ligurians, Arcadians, eternally, ungirdle, Europiums, campthene, rulings, Canadas, living, relodge, pleasuring, singular, vassels, mourns, mirror, slyer, excusals, really, enjoy, sevens, wilder, numerator, Parques, scales.


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