Nostradamus C1 Q39: Emanuel's fate hangs over eastern Mediterranean ports. Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015This verse has a connection with the previous verse through the importance of pictures. In C1 Q38 there is an exposition of how Da Vinci's mathematical model for image perfection was applicable to verses of the future. In this verse the theme is continued but it empasises code systems that seem pictureless. It starts with the way that Celtic codes associate legends with stars and then mentions the Nordic story of Troy and Easter found in Snorri's Prose Edda. Anagrams from which the keys to this verse will come include: l. Perseus legend indulgence denunciated pictureless lands prematureness C1 Q39 At night the last one will be strangled in his bed De nuict dans lict le ſupreſme eſtrangle Extra Info: The Emanuel prophecy - Isaiah 7:11-16 Isaiah delivers God's message to Ahaz and tells him to ask for a sign to confirm that this is a true prophesy (verse 7:11). Ahaz refuses, saying he will not test God (7:12). Isaiah replies that Ahaz will have a sign whether he asks for it or not, and the sign will be the birth of a child, and the child's mother will call it Immanuel, meaning "God-with-us" (7:13-14); by the time the infant "learns to reject the bad and choose the good" (i.e., is old enough to know right from wrong) he will be eating curds and honey, and Ephraim and Syria will be destroyed (7:15-16):
Adjacent Anagrams
Anagrams of highest merit. (~ means full line
used) L1:<island celtS preSume / prematureneSS
unciteD><eaSter Legend><lands Seem pictureleSS><Star Seem Super
inDulgence><preSumeS Strangle Denunciated celT><meets perSeuS><SteerSman
legenD> <garmentleSS inDuctee><enlargeD SupremeSt celts induct><eSteem
repulSeS englanDer> Table listing anagram occurrences (1-23) in Nostradamus' Prophecies 1: prematureness, denunciated, garmentless, indulgence,
elequent, inducted, reattract, ennobled, employs, clanx, Key Ideas: prematureness, denunciated, garmentless, indulgence, ennobled, employs, clanx, pictureless, umpires, subprime, deuelops, proletary, steersman, Emanuel, parlance, portray, bourse, brogues, simpler, legend, buries, Perseus, story.