Nostradamus C1 Q73: France's non-engagement in the biochemical warfare of our century.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015
In this verse Nostradamus details some of France's relationships in this
centuries war-related issues. The wars are centered around religious
differences and range across conventional and biological weapons as
evidenced by the major anagrams which include:
1. Arcane life sparcq kin castle as Asias ill rectangles
2. Argyles muse paper inserts Sunnites sunray germules
3. Clone finale ill oracle libel use no liberal elusion
4. Aural class
reveals intensive scale
nineties revels replaces
C1 Q73
Original Verse in English and French (Benoit Ed.)
France accused of neglect by her five partners Tunis,
Algiers stirred up by the Persians. Leon, Seville and Barcelona
having failed, they won't have the fleet because of the
France a cinq pars par neglect aſſaillie Tunys, Argel eſmuez
par Perſiens Leon, Seuille, Barcelonne faillie N'aura la claſſe
par les Venitiens
Adjacent Anagrams plus Anagrams of highest
merit. (~means full line used) Selection Order based on letter
rarity, word and sequence length plus line completion
L1: <~Sails rectangle spar a arcane liFe / File panicq~><Fear aSiaS
ill neglect><can sparq Nicea ill Fire><anger arcane liFe ailS
caStle><aS ill actS enlarge Fire>
L2: <~Paperz sAy Tunes
germuleS riSen /Siren~><yrAns SerPentTarius legumeS><SunniTes Prepaez
rAys sum><~y muze lArgeSse riSen sTun Paper~><sunrAy Preparez legumeS
inseT><apez reSPire legumeS sunrAy><SenTries reaP / raPe sunrAy
L3: <~clone finale uSe Lone liBeral lie~><ill uSe
enclone filial Bear><one Lie liBel oracle uSe><uSe one Lie clear Libel
none fail><leiSuraBle enclone Lone filial>
L4: <~aS nineties
call a VeSperals runa><seVen insiNuate a paler claSS><inVites paler
aural ScaleS><seVen claSS paler aNnuities> <~call a intensiVe runa aS
relapSeS~><it repeals insaNe aural claSS>seVeral / reVeals Veinlets
leVers inVest
Table listing anagram occurrences (1-23) in
Nostradamus' Prophecies
1: invites, parqs / sparq, 2: Serpentarius, rectangles,
leisurable, gunlayers, intensive, Vesperal(s), larynges, germules,
Sunnites, Argyles, legumes, 3: annuities / insinuate, Einstein /
nineties, muzes, 4: latin-verse, rectangle, neglect, 5:
sentries, Sunnite, sunray, 6: - 7: braille / liberal, inserts,
muze, rays, 8: veinlets, arcane, label, Yrans / yarns 9: belial
/ labile / liable, crab, 10: - 11: largesse, rifle, 12:
reveals / several, call, 13: levers / revels, 14: castle,
runas, 15: elusion, oracle, assail, Lille, 16: finale, refail,
seven, 17: invest, regales, 18: insane, aural / Laura, 19:
- 20: repairs, respire, Asias, 21: - 22: Graels, libel, cqin
/ incq, 23: apez,
Key Ideas:
Serpentarius, rectangles, invites, spark, gunlayers,
rifle, reveals, intensive, germules, Sunnites, Vesperal, muzes, insinuate,
nineties, neglect, Argyles, legumes, Yrans, Sunnite, sentries, liberal,
sunray, inserts, arcane, label, Asias, castle, largesse, assail, oracle,
runas, elusion, insane, aural, finale, repairs, Graels, kin.