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Nostradamus C1 81: The fate of the first small group of newly evolved humanids.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015,2022

This verse is united by the thread of fortune affecting a beast or monster which is found in the text and anagrams of C5 Q32 and the anagrams of the current verse. In this verse the text hints at the idea of human mutants and this idea is firmly entrenched in its anagrams. Its content also ties it into the ideas found in my paper called Fire in the Sky. From the combined references we can see it deals with a small gAlpha_Beta_Gammaroup of individuals that are outside normal human environments and whose strength lies in their isolation. When three of them try to integrate back with human kind they are killed whereby their genetic code is totally obliterated. 

The two verses (C1 Q81 and C5 Q32) also contain information about Nostradamus' poetic coding devices and here it is related to the Hebrew process of Albam. In this procedure A and L, B and M, C and N etc are interchanged.

 There is another anagram pairing that is significant and that employs the anagram for path(s) that occur in four of Nostradamus' 942 verses.

Nostradamus on evolution of new humanid speciesThe other three holding this anagram are C5 Q27, C5 Q99 plus C6 Q48 and together with the two verses that have anagrams for channels C1 Q21 and C7 Q14 they define an important layer in the building of Nostradamus' cipher based trail.

 Each of these six verses via their anagram clusters and text defines a unique story line stream yet at the same time they reinforce the mechanisms Nostradamus implanted to enable his work to be decoded.

This current verse defines one of the most significant of Nostradamus' stories about what lies ahead for us; it is the path that defines what we become. But that path also reflects what we are; it is the conflict between these two dimensions of our existence that produces the inevitable confrontation between some of us and our descendants.


DATA section
Nine will be set apart from the human flock,
separated from judgment and advise.
Their fate is to be divided as they depart.
Kappa Thita Lambda dead, banished and scattered.
D'humain troupe au neuf ſeront mis a part
De jugement et conſeil ſeparez
Leur ſort ſera diuiſe en depart
Kappa, Thita Lambda mors bannis eſgarez.
  1. <monSter is a part humani'D><our miSfortunes neuu ape torn apart> <panoramist refuSe uueapon><Spermation fuse> unforSeen minotaur eruption
  2.  <apelineSs reziDue> <men conteSt lieS ape rezidDe><ten SelectionS> <poeticalneSs reziDe><preceSsional / narcolepSies tenet> DeperSonalizeS contentS Section judgeZ perSonaliSe
  3.  <Rule raiSed Sort parented><deepens art><re-sort resuLt><~Sort preLature aduiSer denieS~> <need part ruLe aid roSters /reSortS>
  4.  <mad barons reaSsign aLbam> <insane rageS Kapz path><angrineSs bars path it peaKz /zPeak><bars enSigns> Malta Sensing gases

1: poeticalness, depersonalizes, misfortunes, panoramist, rejudgez, judgez, contest, peakz, zpeak,
2: personalise, selections, ptomains, deepens, judge, graze,
3: narcolepsies, precessional, contents, unforseen, apeliness, fortunes, lesions, lioness, albam, octet,
4: spermation, minotaur, angriness, eruption, humanid, uueapon, sensing, neuu-ape, path,
5: elections, selection, pamias, orfeus, deepen,
6: razed,
7: incloses, rosters, resorts, aneuu, uuane, jug,
8: content, sorts,
9: reassign, 
10: jude, b
11: prelature, barns, hud,
12: parented, barons, refuse, orbs / robs, neuu,
13: notices / section, Malta,
14: enfuse,
15: patras, europa, uaried, lamb,
16: retards / traders,
17: pertain,
18: portune, forsent, aduiser, insane, bans,
19: raze, raze,
20: astride / tirades, apart, gases / sages,
21: derivant, mange,
22: camel,
23: result,

panoramist, rejudges, misfortunes, contest, poeticalness, speak, Albam, deepens, personalise, selections, ptomains, deepens, judge, narcolepsies, precessional, contents, apeliness, unforseen, Minotaur, spermation, humanid, angriness, eruption, weapon, sensing, new-ape, path, judge, reassign, Malta, section, prelatures, parented,barons, Europa, lamb, Patras, varied, lioness, camel, result.


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