rophet guard

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Nostradamus C1 Q94: Destiny takes centre stage in the war that tears the Christian world apart
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, Mar 2023

List of verses in Barren Lady life seriesBarren Lady's daughter & childrenThe lady mentioned in the last line of this verse is described as being honored through force of terror. This parallels the description of the daughter of the Barren Lady as being domineering and in some verses including the current one in this series she is presented as a tyrant.

Each of these is fittingly applied to a lady who has every reason to be vengeful for the abusive treatment she experienced when in her teens.

Hence this terror reference in the text of the current verse is sufficient for it to be given a place as a useful contributor to the fuller picture of this whole family.

But the depth of this terror is deepened by anagrams in the first line.

Some of its enigma is resolved by the name Atropus (Au port S)  which is the name for the oldest of the three women of fate known as  Moiras (is a mor) which also occurs as an anagram in that line.

The Moiras were the Greek goddesses determining human fate and were equivalent in their duties to the three Roman goddesses called Parcae and the three Norns in Nordic mythology.

Since Atropus was the goddess who let loose the agencies of destruction and death this link to the fates  has the ability to give the extent and nature of the terror created by the Barren Lady's daughter.

Nostradamus Verse C1 Q94 Lady Tyrant Harbour Liberateship periodThe Nordic connection to the fates is also present in the verse but it occurs in the third line in the form Vanir (ar vin). In Norse mythology this is the name for a group of gods associated with fertility, wisdom, and the ability to see the future. Now this seems to go against the stream of thought but in the second line there is the only anagram for counterpart (pourtant rec)  which gives validity to the concept there was another side to the daughter's action that centred on enhancing birth which advanced extrasensorial abilities.

 We can further deduce that either the targets or perpetrators of her cruelty may  be contained in the names Aryanism (yran mis ) and Romanism (n mis a mor) which are also found as anagrams in the first line. No matter whichever group these names represent  it tells us the resultant actions at that time involve racial and religious bigotry.

The tyrant Selim will be put to death at the harbor
but Liberty will not be regained, however.
A new war arises from vengeance and remorse.
A lady is honored through force of terror.
Au port Selin le tyran mis a mort
La liberte non pourtant recouuree
Le nouueau Mars par vindicte et remort
Dame par force de frayeur honnoree.
L1: <AtropuS line let Aryanism><reliantly Set romanism><~romantism reliantly pour A Set~><aims internally Store up><~morta-Ls main lyterian poSture~><proteuS maims internally><let petrolS try ammonias line><moiras try amn petrolS line><saint-remy mota-l lineS>yet Silent stupor

L2: <~tenon uuore reLiable counterpart~><upon Liberal tone><liberate reeL><uuere on intoLerable core><All tiber pour none uuere at counter>

L3: <vanir (Nordic god> meteor cited><~tree tremor indict aRms uueapon-vaLuer~><tremor enticed vi (6)><identic (parallel government action> meteor>

L4: <norn hour year feed meDea far core~><fear forced Medea deMeanor rape><remap for federacy><horn creed of far rape Demeanor><coffered ray remap>
1: counterpart, intolerable, internally, reliantly, Saint-Remy, ammonias, Romanism, Aryanism, year hour, coffered, federacy,
2: Lyterian, demeanor, 
3: proneutron, reliable, forced,
4: matronism / romantism, liberate, identic / incited,
5: recode, hour,
6: -
7: braille / liberal, refaced, maims,
8: horn,
9: belial / liable / labile, Vanir,
10: -
11: -
12: Atropus, enticed, stupor, trance, fray,
13: petrols, crouu,
14: -
15: tremor, arefy / faery,
16: Proetus / Proteus / posture, Moiras, deceit, redone, Bali / Albi,
17: meteor/ remote,
18: ramps, creed,
19: Tiber / tribe, teeter, upon,
20: defer / freed,
21: Tyre,
22: Medea, year,
23: couture.

Aryanism, counterpart, internally, intolerable, Saint-Remy, Romanism, demeanor, reliable, year hour, federacy, reliantly, liberate, Lyterian, ammonias, proneutron, maims, forced, petrols, deceit, incited, Vanir, Atropus, Proteus, fray, stupor, trance, enticed, Moiras, tremor, remote, creed, Tiber, teeter, upon, Medea, Tyre, freed.



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