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Nostradamus C1 Q97: Genetics of sexuality becomes a means of war.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

Nostradamus Prophecies C1 Q97 Anagrams support the message in the text in which a sweet talking person from a dissident land convince the world of the evil of materialisim. he genocide at Krakow in February 1943This particular verse is a continuation of the theme of a person who contaminates the Earth through biologic experiments.

It is one of the few verses that has an anagrams for Languodoc which has a long history of distinction from those of Northern France.

The anagrams comply with the text and recognise the influence of a sweet talking person from Greece who convinces the world that material values underlie the Earth's 21stC woes.

The anagrams providing the guidance for understanding this text include:

1. Flare  menaces Pau cues Caeneus reach uureck free lemma
2. Languedoc auue Augean  evil lines afraid aerial ordeal Oceanus afire
3. Prose role foresayer reuse rapper songs prognoses longer spores genos
4. My enn materialising enfuse malign limit simulating spirulate pluralities

# spirulate: Having the color spots, or structural parts, arranged spirally (as in chromosomes].
genos spore: a common genetic heritage in the spores of bacteria, protozoa, plants and fungi.
# Caeneus: a trans-gender Greek hero.

That which neither weapon nor flame could accomplish
will be achieved by a sweet speaking tongue in court
Sleeping, in a dream, the king will see
the enemy not in war or of military blood.
Ce que fer flamme n'a ſceu paracheuer
La douce langue au conſeil viendra faire
Par repos, ſonge, le Roy fera reſuer
Plus l'ennemy en feu ſang militaire.
L1: <men cauSe><name cueS> <saucepan cure reach lemma><quee-r mm raffle Cure each>caeneuS

L2: <languedoc afraid reAl auue><evil gun a clue oceanuS rained afire><afraid augean ordeal clue>

L3: <~genoS spore Role rarefy raPer uSe~><foReSayer rue raPer prognoSes> <uSer fear raPer poorneSs><so raPer SonG uSe foReyear reel>

L4: <enemy / yemen sullen Pirate unsafe><Simulating air Pulse><~enn Pulls irate enemy malign fuSe~><enn Pulls materialiSing enemy><amuSing Pluralities><limit air Pulse><lunes limit a enemy Peril><enemy mailing Pirate fuSe>
1: materialising, genos spore, prognoses,
2: simulating, foresayer, mailing, poorness, saucepan, amusing, unspell, foryear, menaces, rarefy,
3: pluralities, foreyear, songs, lvii,
4: olivines, enemy / Yemen,
5: Languedoc,
6: spirulate, militia, malign, afraid, 
7: Oceanus, Caeneus, raffle, pulls,
8: limit, Augean, spores,
9: ordeal,
10: -
11: uuage,
12: -
13: lemma,
14: unsafe, enfuse, load,
15: arefy / faery,
16: -
17: aerial,
18: uprears,
19: -
20: -
21: Emma,
22: song,
23: -

Key Ideas:

foresayer, prognoses, aerial, spores, materialising, simulating, spirulate, genos spore, menaces, amusing, pluralities, rarefy, lvii, Languedoc, songs, malign, enemy, Yemen, militia, poorness, afraid, Oceanus, Caeneus, Augean, ordeal, enfuse, unsafe, wage, raffle, pulls, limit, lemma, load, uprears.





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