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Nostradamus C2 Q16: The advent of atomic war changes battle and burial practices.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

Nostradamus Prophecies C2 Q16 Europes militia engaged in Italian seas at a time of great slaughter and festivities.The following verse relates to the changes needed in the ethics of war and the necessities of death as the weapons of our times become widely used.

The desciption in the text fits to the last parts of the second World War where the allies from Europe were engaged in battles for the control of the oil fields of Northern Africa.

This also fits to key anagrams which indicate the slaughter arises from an atomic event that took place at the same time but in a far part of the World (Hiroshima and Nagasaki).

The anagrams providing the keys for the understanding of this verse include:

1. Mercies ill layers assurance years crimes sell ampler planes  
2. Nouu uue try UXA ray gulf fans lets refuges excel
3. Olden dangers forced drug-band rules set uses of foreclosed creed
4. Greatnesss detach free atom hatched tomb afire combat import
Naples, Palermo, Sicily, Syracuse,
New tyrants, celestial lightning fires
Force from London, Ghent, Brussels and Susa,
Great slaughter, triumph leads to festivities.
Naples, Palerme, Sicille, Syracuses
Nouueaux tyrans, fulgures feux celeſtes
Force de Londres, Gand, Bruxelles et Suſes
Grand hecatombe, triomphe faire feſtes.
L1: <mercieS plaN leaPs ill yearS><yellS aPples assuraNce><ill yearS crimeS ceNsus aPpeals><ill crimeS causes plaN elaPse><Secularly resamPles plaNes><cursa (Eridanus dim white star) Paler paleNess>saucepaNs

L2: <uxa fans try Select regulus (brightest star in Leo -blue) fuxe><gulf refuse><uxa refuse try fungals><uue urge try fuse Notes uxa excelS>teNuouS refuges

L3: <uSeS danGers Foreclosed Burdenx><reFocuSSes oLden steel danGers><creed uSes olDen rulex for steels Band><~exurB (rich suburban band around city) set Forced sell uSeS oLden danGers~>

L4: <teach mob danGers feSter><atom he import be afire><stranGe timber cathode freeS> <cathode timbre GreatneSs><air he import each tomb Grandest feeS><he combat fire danGers><tiber atom><detach mob anGers>
1: chantmode, foreclosed, refocusses, secularly, saucepans, Syracuse, cathode, fungals, 
2: creed of, mercies, slyer, crimes,
3: assurance, drug-ban, paleness, Regulus, refuges, forced, timber / timbre, excels, census, layers / relays / slayer, gulf,
4: detach,
5: resamples, arch-dean, import, recode,Ulug, fuses,
6: appeals,
7: apples, exurb, cill, rays,
8: resample, causes, yarns,
9: forces, hand,
10: -
11: sampler, harden,
12: tenuous, refuse, dregs,
13: onsets / stones, plans, 
14: -
15: cursa, foes,
16: -
17: greatness, combat, gets,
18: Timor, freest, creed, 
19: grades, brand, elapse / please, tribe / Tiber,
20: years,
21: -
22: cheat / teach, atom,
23: tomb.

chantmode, foreclosed, refocusses, Syracuse, creed of, mercies, slyer, crimes, assurance, drug-ban, paleness, census, forced, timber, refuges, detach, layers, gulf, import, arch-dean, resamples, saucepans, fungals, fuses, apples, dregs, harden, tenuous, rays, elapse, causes, forces, refuse, hand, combat, Tiber, foes, plans, years, greatness, gets, freest, creed, grades, stones, teach, brand, atom, tomb.




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