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Nostradamus C2 Q17: The battle of Trafalgar and the death of Nelson.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

Nostradamus Prophecies C2 Q17 In the In the field of Vestal Virgin' Temple near perpignan a great condiut hhden in the male.This verse and its anagrams represent another in the series where Nostradamus explains his coding mechanism while continuing to deliver his stories. The tale in this verse is about the Battle of Trafalgar with anagrams for Nelson pyres seen being one of the indicators for this interpretation.

The anagrams from which the expansion of the text comes include:

1. Muted pelmet led alive giver elevates tales camel map
2. Nelson losing then on Pyrmont's edge priest meet the pyres seen
3. Large Dracon induct caste Chaldeans lands a male enlarged
4. Thrones throngs negativisms seen together vesting fleets useful fuel assignment
The field of the temple of the vestal virgin,
Not far from Elne and the Pyrenees mountains
The great conduit is hidden in the male
To the north rivers overflown and vines battered.
Le camp du temple de la vierge veſtale
Non eſloinge d'ethne et monts Pyrenees
Le grand conduict eſt cache dans la male
North getez fleuues et vignes maſtinees.
L1: <~giver elevateS temple deal dump Lace~><mute taleS avile verge empLaced><muted map>

L2: <serene not meet sPy then None loSing><Pyres not seen then None meet legionS>then looSen in edge>

L3: <Chaldeans male Seduction act><~catches a male enLarged lands co-induct~><~Allege dracon cachetS induct and slam~><~catcheS a male uncited lands cLangored~>

L4: <throNes vesting amnestieS><aSsignment seeN together><fleez together given suueet amnesties><uue set negativiSms fleetz throNg seen><~uue given fleetz intenSe mass together~><itS throNg names given><enigmaS reteNtions vest>fleuu shorten
1: Chaldeans, assignment, negativisms, throngs, together, all-names, clamped, handles, elevates, fleetz
2: rhinestone, Nelsons, fleez,
3: same-sign, vesting, camped, dump,
4: seduction, retentions, cached, verges, damp,
5: loosening, catches, cachets, agrieve,
6: cachet, verge,
7: clangored, reglanced, onement, catch, allege, north / thorn, muted, suueet,
8: Pyrmonts, eduction, amnesties, allergen, enigmas, oneness,
9: thrones / shorten, loosen, grieve,
10: given, giver,
11: -
12: Nelson, Thor, mass,
13: induct,
14: stave, then,
15: -
16: intense,
17: respy / preys / pyres, camp,
18: -
19: -
20: inmates, mast, head,
21: -
22: camel, alive / avile,
23: legion.

Key Ideas:

Chaldeans, assignment, negativisms, throngs, together, all-names, clamped, handles, elevates, Nelsons, fleetz, rhinestone, vesting, same-sign, feels, damp, verges, retentions, clangored, allege, Pyrmonts, seduction, agrieve, North, West, muted, amnesties, sweet, enigmas, loosen, thrones, oneness, given, legion, induct, mass, alive, then, intense, camp, pyres, inmates, mast, head.



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