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Nostradamus C2 Q53: Fanatic female followers are placed in charge of healing others
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, Dec 2022

1558 Nostradamus Henry Epistle HEE2 Climate quoteWithin the text of this verse as in so many others we have key words dropping incomplete clues. The same is often true of theList of Nostradamus Verses linked to Epistle HEE2 Climate quote anagrams and it is only when weighed together and with the light from other verses that the key can be turned to reveal the Prophecy Nostradamus intended.

For example this verse is linked to the quote via its use of  the allusion principle implicit in the latter part of the quote alongside. The text of the last line is more direct and by its wording 'Of the Great lady' it also links to the Barren Lady entries. In the second line there is an anagram for Soviet while in the the third there is another for Crimeans with the pairing between the two quite apparent to people in our modern era. This gives detail to a group without having to put that name so often that it is easy to discover.

List of verses in Barren Lady life seriesIn the anagrams we also have a strong case for their being a group of women considered mad but capable of healing others. The anagrams identify the Maenads from Greek mythology and then affirm their relevance via anagrams for on frenetic guitar, maidens  and madness. But the purpose of their inclusion is to demonstrate the nature of a different set of women who are involved in performing future medical practices. The anagrams for this theme are medicate,  ventrotomies gene essence (mort ne ſoit ve - ngee -Ne ceſſe), acidimeter time (e cite mari - time), neotenic fear (ar fe - incte n'o) and finer eructation (r fein -cte n'outrai).

 Nostradamus Centuries 2 Quatrain 53  Just Blood Crimeans Soviet NarcismThis verse also has other anagrams such as Marie and Graal  that fit to the story line of a Christ lineage event. Although  they have a high probability of occurring by chance the tones of the second and third lines of text are set to the same ideas via their paralleling the death of Jesus and a persistent desire of people to keep the legends about his survival alive. In that regard the Just blood condemned for a price without a crime stands out as a reference to the blood money paid to Judas.

# acidimeter: An apparatus or a standard solution used to determine the amount of acid in a sample.
ventrotomies: incisions of the abdomen.
eructation: to belch forth or vomit.
neotenic: the persistence of larval or fetal features in the adult form of an animal.
Maenads: Greek Mythology- the female followers of Dionysius- their name literally means 'the raving ones' since they would enter into a state of ecstatic frency through intoxation and dancing.
The great plague of the maritime city
Will not cease until there be avenged the death
Of the just blood, condemned for a price without crime
Of the great lady outraged by pretense.
La grande peſte de cite maritime
Ne ceſſera que mort ne ſoit vengee
Du juſte ſang par pris damne ſans crime
De la grand dame par feincte n'outraigee
L1: <Marie time graaL deceit>< deepeSt danger immateriaL> <> <medicate / decimate deepeSt><acidimeter time /emit deepeSt garLand><deceitS panderage Limiter><~airtime emit ci (101) deepeSt garLand~>

L2: <Soviet gene quaere eSSeNce> <Soviet gene remount> <Square monSter SceNe><~SceNe quaereS ventrotomieS gene~>ceaSerS

L3: <juDe reprimands paganS narScism> <juDe unSeatS crimeanS madneSs><damns Sane crimes> named maenadS maidens

L4: <graal damned> <fear continue> <garlanDed dame> <remap infect> <garlanDed mad frenetic ape on guitar> <regu'ation interface><firepan eructation (belching) damned><garlanDed reinfect mad ape>
1: acidimeter, panderage, narcisms, decimate, medicate, frenetic, guitar, 
2: ventrotomies, immaterial, reprimands, ostentive, continue, narcism, disarm, crimes, essence,
3: eructation, neotenic, madness,
4: firepan, crime,
5: matrice, Gautier, unseats, pagan(s), 
6: Maenads, deceits, infect,
7: interface, Soviet, rapids, Juste, Ariege,
8: Montrose / Rosemont, airtime,
9: demand / damned, just,
10: grandad, squares, Jude,
11: deepest, Midas / maids,
12: -
13: Marque, pangs, quaere,
14: triage, gap,
15: damns,
16: garlanded, remount, maidens, deceit, Caesers,
17: add,
18: quaeres, scans,
19: finer / infer,
20: amends.
21: -
22: -
23: -

ventrotomies, panderage, acidimeter, medicate, eructation, essence, frenetic, guitar, immaterial, reprimands, continue, ostentive, narcism, disarm, neotenic, madness, unseats, pagans, crime, Maenads, firepan, infect, Soviet, interface, Ariege, maids, demand, airtime, Juste, deepest, pangs, damns, triage, gap, garlanded, maidens, remount, Caesers, deceits, add, scans, amends, finer, queries.


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