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Nostradamus C2 Q79: Mind affecting drugs subdue a cruel populace.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

Nostradamus Prophecies verse C2 Q79 Chrondites (fr & Eg) true language for nodular stone formed by erratic couse of meteorites and asteroids in Here we have a verse that relates how the populace are subdued by imported pharmaceutical medications. It is linked to the period which is the focus for much of Nostradamus' future projections which is the time at the end of this century when fire falling from the sky in the form of stony meteories (chrondites) affects man's evolutionary destiny.

The anagrams supporting these concepts include:

1. Peregrinations pointer enabling Arab learning pretences
2. True-language buries lifetree cruel rectangular fire
3. Leningrad hindrance enlarging chrondites nodular stone
4. Capsules routes fits places inseparable lines entire baseline  osculates
# chrondite ( d CHIREN oſt): a stony meteorite
atropine: a drug derived from deadly nightshade.
The beard frizzled and black through skill
Will subjugate the cruel and proud people:
The great Chyren will remove from far away
All those captured by the banner of Selin.
La barbe crespe et noire par engin
Subiuguera la gent cruelle et fiere
Le grand CHIREN oſtera du longin
Tous les captifs par Seline baniere

L1:<Learning arab> <enabLing bear pointer creeps> <peregrination(Wandering)><~repair on beLgian bear pretences~><arab protein / pointer realign><atropine (deadly nightshade) banaL reign>

L2:<cruel fleet agent><uuager buSier angle/ angel><uSe fire><if ell tee rectangular >graal

L3:<Leningrad ENRICH long roaSted><enLarging nodular CHRoNdItES (meteorites)><HENRIC danger unloading Store><CHIERoN danger><dual Store HINdRanCE linger on> <HERoIN tradeS / (INSHoRE trade)>reSoNated

L4:<~if soul enTire aspect inSeparable(s)~><if enTire soul fit Sparse line space><outLine fit Sparse scales><resoluTe aspect in baSeline><Sparse line fit rouTes places><plenarieS (meetings) ban> iSrael osculaTes

1: true-language, inseparable(s), rectangular, hindrance, enlarging, biennial, chrondites,
2: peregrination, reuelations, unloading, osculates, long line, biennales, enabling, bracable, felspars, nodular, lifelet, Abilene,
3: lunar-god, pretences, baseline, niggle, 
4: outer-lines, Leningrad, learning, learning, lifetree, inshore,
5: atropine, adulters, Henri,
6: resonated, Cheiron,
7: roasted, enrich / Henric, heroin
8: aseptic, places,
9: Gauuler, buries / busier,
10: routeless, resonate, linger,
11: resolute, pointer / protein,
12: plenaries, creeps, fleet,
13: enspiral, realign, aspect / epacts, refit,
14: reaping, pacts,
15: banal,
16: capes / space, algae,
17: argental, align,
18: solutes, trainee,
19: tirade,
20: -
21: Erbian, greuu,
22: solute, uuager, caps,
23: -.

true-language, inseparable(s), rectangular, hindrance, enlarging, biennial, chrondites, peregrination, reuelations, unloading, osculates, long line, biennales, enabling, bracable, felspars, nodular, lifelet, Abilene, lunar-god, pretences, baseline, niggle,  outer-lines, Leningrad, learning, learning, lifetree, inshore, atropine, adulters, Henri,  resonated, Cheiron, roasted, enrich, heroin, aseptic, places, Gawler, buries, routeless, resonate, linger, resolute, protein, plenaries, creeps, fleet, enspiral, realign, aspect , refit, reaping, pacts, banal, space, algae, argental, align,  solutes, trainee, tirade, proof, Erbian, grew, solute, wager, caps.

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