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Nostradamus C3 Q17: Sects motivations arise out of court actions.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

Nostradamus Verse C3 Q17Centuries Amount when Mount Aventine burn at night onAxle  Verticalness failureThis verse which contains one of the three anagrams for centuries and here it appears in a sequence which says centuries rules aver amount unite (ruſle -er nuict ſe-ra ve - uMont A - uenti) while other anagrams offer strong evidence for a scene involving actions in a legal court. Amongst these are anagrams for bellicose courts, tribunes, attune Bernuy's manoeuvres and grudgeless committees, . There are further clusters that imply the battle is about a liquid medication opposed by those of Koranic faith and that this theme parallels slanders that were linked to Jean de Bernuy of Toulouse. The use of the anagram for pen is compelled by the structure of the line and even though it is very easy for this to be generated by chance its context fits with the sort of cipher Nostradamus uses for members of a sixteenth century sect. It is my belief this is used by Nostradamus as a pseudonym for the person who recorded his less essential letters. (See my paper on Marguerite d' Angouleme and Nostradamus Sect for more).

The anagrams setting the frame for understanding this Prophecy include:

1. Amount unite in  Centuries manoeuvres tribunes scrutineer
2. Fenlanders Icelanders bellicose courts vaunt coup
3. Unequaled Roman pen harasses each reason Quran weep

4. Committees grudgeless rules declares rotten torrent selects leaders scales

Mount Aventine will be seen to burn at night:
The sky very suddenly dark in Flanders:
When the monarch will chase his nephew,
Then Church people will commit scandals.  

Mont Auentine bruſler nuict ſera veu
Le ciel obſcur tout a vn coup en Flandres
Quand le monarque chaſſera ſon nepueu
Leurs ges d Eglise commettront les eſcladres

  1. <centuriEs aver unite Amount><~bernuiS lincture (medicine) Manoeuvres Attune~> <Amount viScerate><runic nebuliSer Starve /vaSter><Scrutineer blurS> curativeS tribuneS / turbines
  2. <beLlicose courtS><uvant to pounce><beLlicoSe court slander>Fenlanders iceLanders curbS
  3. <pen reaSon quran model uuaQen chaSe><uueaQ reaSonS pen chaSeS Quoran><roman uneQualed><quacer omen haraSSesS none> qoran almoner craShes
  4. <grudgEless committees><urges Leaders Selects glEdis torment comes><declareS ruLes stolen> <Selects rotten> claSsed
  1. grudgeless, committees, urges leaders, bellicose, manoeuvres, harasses, lincture,
  2. curatives, viscerate, Fenlanders, scrutineer,
  3. centuries,
  4. tribunes / turbines, unequaled, declares
  5. pounce
  6. Icelanders
  7. nebuliser, courts, selects, Gledi(s) / glide(s)
  8. curbs
  9. -
  10. Bernui's (i=y) / Brunei's, classed
  11. amount
  12. starve / vaster, blurs, comes, uvant (want)
  13. attune, quacer (Quaker)
  14. court, uuaqen (waken), almoner
  15. torment
  16. -
  17. -
  18. -
  19. -
  20. reasons
  21. crashes
  22. Qoran, Quoran

grudgeless, committees, urges leaders, bellicose, manoeuvres, harasses, lincture, curatives, viscerate, Fenlanders, scrutineer, Centuries, unequaled, tribunes, declares, Icelanders, Courts, pounce, select, Gledi's, nebuliser, Bernuy, vaster, amount, waken, reasons, Qoran, torment, comes.



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