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Nostradamus C3 Q49: Evolution of extrasensorial beings relies on space minerals

Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, Jan 2023

The Genetics verse series in Nostradamus' PropheciesThe unity of time past, present and futureC3 Q49 is one of the verses which contains genetic terms in its anagrams. That focus is accompanied by exteremely rare terms that provide essential details regarding its evolutionary path and origins of the materials and processes involved.

The two anagrams that do most for this are that for extrasensorial (t loix ſeras ran / ge En) and planetesimal (anſlate l'empi). The first of these is adjacent to an anagram for gene while the latter is associated with anagrams for prime metals.

Now planetesimals is a term applicable to objects holding materials from the time of formation of the planets. Although mainly altered by time some remnants  are  able  to be found embedded in moons of the existing planets and some meteorites (such as ureilites). These are unusually high in metal content with nickel for instance being many times greater than in other astronomic bodies. They are also believed to be a primary source of the chemicals needed for  life as shown in the extract from an article published in recent times.

Life may have arisen in our solar system before Earth even finished forming.

Planetesimals, the rocky building blocks of planets, likely had all the ingredients necessary for life as we know it way back at the dawn of the solar system.

.....Lindy Elkins-Tanton, a planetary scientist at Arizona State University (ASU).

There is one letter combination that I have included that is slightly mispelt; it is the anagram for genealog(u)ists (gne Gaulois tu ſe). It cannot provide primary confirmation but given the other entries in this verss it seems prudent to mention its presence.

Nostradamus Prophecies verse C3 Q49 planetesimal urea_gene extrasensorial genearch matureAlthough the term gene appears frequently as an anagram throughout the prophecies one factor makes it different. Words based on gene are not yet based on long-term use and new terms are becoming entrenched as this century passes.  This evolving prominence  means the genetic materials setting of this verse which is rich in more complex terms jusify mention of other anagram strings such asr AUT_gene and natures_ gene that parallel genetic themes found in other verses.

The codons produce proteins via the spiral twins in a chromosome. In the DNA strands the lettering T, A, G & C refers to four bases. The protein production process involves a copying stage that takes the DNA in one half of the spiral and reproduces a replica where the T base is replaced by another base which is given the letter U. This copy is the messenger version called RNA and it is from this replica that the old protein is replicated.

Gallic realm, you will be much changed:
To a foreign place is the empire transferred:
You will be set up amidst other customs and laws:
Rouen and Chartres will do much of the worst to you
Regne Gaulois tu ſeras bien change
En lieu eſtrange eſt tranſlate l'empire
En autres moeurs et loix ſeras range
Roan et Chartres te feront bien du pire

 Extra Info:

The terms Gaulonites and tetrarchs found as anagrams in the first and last lines provides a unity of time and place since about the time of Christ Gaulonite was a name given to a sect of Jews based around Galilee while Tetrarchs was a name applied to the system in which four sons inherited parts of Herod's sub-divided Roman kingdom in the Levant. The Gaulonites with their own set of laws were subject to the rule of Rome via Herod and his sons which inflamed the conflict leading to the demise of the Gaulonites around 70AD.

The verse carries clear evidence that an extrasensorial gene matures (et loix ſeras ran - ge En -autres m) and arousement results (n autres moe - urs et l) which is in keeping with the gifts of language and foresight that are found throughout Nostradamus' verses. It also underpins ideas that I believe resolve the dilemma in Nostradamus' work. This schemesuggest emotions allow people from different eras to be in contact through their minds. Such a mechanism has to exist for Nostradamus' Prophecies to hold truth about the future and if it does exist then he would have inevitably seen how evolution moves on thereby removing the domination of the Earth by human-kind.

  1. <serbian tiSsue change genRe> <~Genealoguist uSe carbineS hangeR~> <Gaulonites (Essenes) uSe serbian> <louis Re-enGage abStruse> <gene Suits serbian geneaRch / enchaRge>- <louis GangRene> <oil Surest bias> <Gaulonites genRe abuSers> <bears Suits>
  2. <linE uSe entreatS prime Stella gene> <generateS Start> <natureS greateSt linE Slant> <nEutraliSe Start gene> <aSlant Street grant linE uSe> <perimele (Greek goddess) line aSlant>
  3.  <extrasenSorial gEne matures> <arranges arousEment result><~genE Six a resolute nature rearS some~> <meteors result> <resolute arranges Six Enumerates><ut-a gene>
  4. <ReCuperation arrest forebitten end> <oRnate Chart trees /reset / steer><end up reChart foresent bit> <Re-Creation upend foresent bit> <anChoRet retreats> <tranChe fetters oaR> <not freest tetrarCh>  

1: extrasensorial, planetesimal, proteinurea, recuperation, forebitten, Hectorean,
2: arousement, enumerates, outremers, Tetrarch, abstruse, fetters, AUT-gene
3: genealoguist, mensurate, engage,
4: carbines, enchain, greatest, abusers, Beduin,
5: translates, recreation, neutralise, Gauloist, restart,
6: gelatinous / Gaulonites, charters, arranges, retreats, Stella,
7: charter,
8: gangrene, meteors, suits,
9: alterants / translate, Perimele, matures,
10: encharge / genearch, bensira / Serbian, Arras,
11: foresent, resolute, muster, mouse,
12: negates,
13: botein / benoit, toils, surest, oilx,
14: austere, chart, start,
15: eulogias / oil-usage, entreats,
16: chanter, tranche, niche,
17: greatness, sealant, Serbia,
18: aslant, freest,
19: reagent, repine,
20: generates / teenagers,
21: terms,
22: cheat / teach,
23: impel

forebitten, protein-urea, recuperation, extrasensorial gene matures, arousement result,Tetrarch, abstruse, fetters, genealoguist, enumerates, Beduin, greatest, abusers, Gauloist, translates, Gaulonites, re-creation, charters, foresent, meteors, restart, sealant, Serbia, greatness, impel, teenagers, cheat, freest, terms

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