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Nostradamus C3 Q58: A youngest son's futile defense of countries near the Danube
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, Mar 2023

The Pannonian verse series in Nostradamus' PropheciesBarren Lady & family wars in Pannonia & Adriatic regionAlthough the text of this verse mentuins the Rhine in its verse lines the anagrams of this verse direct us not to the Rhine but to people in cities and nations on a nearby river, namely Austrians and Venusians.  One name as written by Nostradamus presents a problem that past analysts  translated as 'Sarmatia'.

The text's main mesage is the suggestion a person brought up along the Rhine will defend 'Saurome', people east of the Noric Alps in Austria and the people who occupy the region the Romans called 'Pannonia' .

The name Saurome is not one that is recorded in history hence it it likely to be a name of a new city, province or nation that emerges late in this century at a time after the death of the person mentioned in the second line.  This resolution of the wording now gives meaning to the phrase 'comes too late' since that person's name cannot be known until after the signature events have happened and a name is assigned to a city at that time. 

It is these references that imply this verse is an essential surce of detail to actions  in which the  Barren Lady and members of her family line are engaged. The person born in that region is therefore likely to be one of her offspring. The 'comes too late' reference used earlier also indicates it is her youngest son. Yet that extra detail doesn't resolve the person's identity as indicated by the last line of text that says 'one will not know what becomes of him'.

Nostradamus Prophecies verse C3 Q58 Austrian great one dominates gennos genes variants aequorin quinoneHowever the anagrams do provide clusters that help in definitively recognising that person once they have played their fated role.

One cluster relates to what is knowable and known. It includes anagrams for quinques defined  (niques Qu_i defend ).  

There are also other knowledge related anagrams; qneuu / knew (uenu Q) , qnouun / known (uu Qu'on), and reasoning (aignes Nor).

But it is the concept of their being five aspects that are defined by this verse that is the most interesting aspect for me. All the data presented in these analyses of mine gives insight into what this means. I believe the 'quinques defined' expression states Nostradamus linked  his verses to Barren Lady quote in Nostradamus' 1558 Henry Epistle  and did so using five parameters which this current verse illustrates. The aspects and their appearance in this are :

1: person/s =  member of Barren Lady family
2: location =  region defined as Pannonia in Roman times
3: time =  future when a new life aspect first emerges
4: event = birth & life of great person
5: relevance = influence on regional leadership & wars

Near the Rhine from the Noric mountains
Will be born a great one of people come too late,
One who will defend Saurome and the Pannonians,
One will not know what will have become of him.
Au pres du Rhin des montaignes Noriques
Naistra vn grand de gens trop tard venu
Qui defendra ſaurome et Pannoniques
Qu'on ne ſcaura qu'il sera deuenu
L1: <Norse giant demons persuAde><resoNating omens><hinders pursued><squire geNnos dominates>persuAdes hindeR equi reasoNing>aNtigone

L2: <saturNian port raved><veNusian port dart genes><verdant austriaN ports><transport starviNg and deranged><verdun variaNts><Nun portents variants raved><Nun rang edged variants>

L3: <Quinques(5 ways) meteor / remote auraS defined><defined auraS nonpermeation>

L4: <israel unQueued none><due israel uuoQen><neuu redsea quails><cauSE equalisr><Qnouun cauSe iraqu><era quails>residual
1: non-permeation, quinques, starving, unqueued, hinders, defined, qnouun,
2: squalider, variants, Venusian,
3: aequorins, Saturnian, quinone(s), nuances, hinder,
4: dominates, transport, residual, sidereal, quails, auroras,
5: resonating, unreleased, antigens, Austrian, liquers, qneuu,
6: reasoning, portents, equalisr, verdant,
7: Antigone / negation, Salique, spurred, edged,
8: equorins, pursued / usurped, regents, define, durers, nun,
9: Saturnin,
10: Verdun,
11: atoning, antigen, gennos,
12: neuu, caesura,
13: persuades, deranged,
14: sonance, noun,
15: vnder, cursa, vrda,
16: uuaqes, modes, 
17: demons, meteor / remote, atop,
18: -
19: ensign, auras,
20: -
21: risque /, squire,
22: giant, quid.
23: -

quinques (5 ways), non-permeation, hinders, starving, unqueued, known, variants, defined, Venusian, aequorins, Saturnian, quinones, residual, nuances, hinder, dominates, transport, sidereal, auroras, resonating, unreleased, liquers, Austrian, verdant ports, knew, reasoning, spurred, portents, negation, regents, pursued, nun, define, Saturnin, caesura, atoning, gennos, new, antigen, persuades, deranged, meteor, auras, wakes, giant, demons.

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