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Nostradamus C3 Q72: Anne Boleyn, the Lords Calendar and the machine Nostradamus used.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

Nostradamus Prophecies Centuries 3 Quatrain 72 Boleyn Schema nosnseraphic calendars Essene view Lord ordealThis verse is important for two reasons. The first is that it holds one of the twelve anagrams for calendar ( de la ranc) while the other is that it includes the name Boleyn ( y Le bon,).


This name may well hold the key to understanding the text and provide another link to Nostradamus' calendar if the story of Anne Boleyn's family is behind that given in the text. George, her brother was one of five men suspected and convicted of having had sex with Anne. For their supposed incest they were both beheaded and it was Thomas Boleyn, father of Anne, who was part of the panel that convicted her.


Anagrams capable of giving meaning to this verse include:

1. Ill art ennoble Boleyn inviolable belly outlive five ensue
2. Once encorpsed guard weep afar so dangerful spouse uses drugs
3. Lone uuave exude riches Essene view nobly ennobles
4. Nonseraphic machines outl't into Lord ordeal calendar
The good old man buried quite alive,
Near the great river through false suspicion:
The new old man ennobled by riches,
Captured on the road all his gold for ransom.
Le bon vieillart tout vif enſeuely
Pres du grand fleuue par fauſſe ſouſpecon
Le nouueau vieux de richeſſe ennobly
Prins a chemin tout l'or de la rancon.

Anagram sequences in French Text  ( ~ means full line used)

  1. <boLeyn five enSue> <tout inviolable art><boyLe villein><five tout bovine ill art enSue<beLLy enfuSe>
  2. <unfueled Person guard><once SuSa Spouse uuep fae><uSa eSpouSeS uueep far><uue fled><drug and fuel Person> guards
  3. <i uxed bolyn eSSene lone uuave><richeS Seen bolyn exudeE><nobly She Seen decri vieuux><SeeS ennoble rich><rich SeeS bonne Lonely uuaue>nobleneSS
  4. <machine tout older><lord nonseraPhic (earthly) calendar><prints-out-each-lord-name on calendar>:<into schema>
1: nonseraphic, inviolable, nobleness, bovine,
2: -,
3: machines, villein, alcoran, ennoble, Boleyn, vieuux, bely,
4: unfueled, spurned,
5: machine, Samech, schema, uuave,
6: dangerful, Bolyn, nobly, Boyle, drugs, vieuu,
7: calendar, espouses, chains,
8: lonely, guards, oneness, tarot,
9: ordeal, scope,
10: respond / ponders, Essene, five,
11: -,
12: canon,
13: literal, riches, chime,
14: enfuse, bonne, lord,
15: -,
16: cried, ,
17: fled,
18: -,
19: espouse, noble, uueep,
20: exuder, reduxe, rexdeu, vau,
21: -,
22: dreux, 
23: spouse,

inviolable, nonseraphic, bovine, nobleness, ennoble, Boleyn, bely, villein, views, unfueled, machines, spurned, Samech, drugs, wave, dangerful, schema, Boyle, nobly, espouses, view, calendar, chains, lonely, guards, ponders, oneness, scope, Essene, five, ordeal, Lord, cried, fled, literal, riches, noble, espouse.

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