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Nostradamus C3 Q95: The manner in which acts of the past merge into our future.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

Nostradamus Verse C3 Q95 Moorish Law replaced by another in the Dnieper region by one that emphasises gifts and language.This verse is a linking piece to many threads raised in the surrounding verses in particular see C3 Q99 where the anagrams for herbs, filial and raven all appear.

It also contains anagrams for names that  have the potential to be of special interest to Nostradamus. This includes Ponsard which is the name of his wife at the time his prophecies were published and Molay whose name is able to be tied to the history of Margeurite d'Anglouleme whose uncle / aunt is thought to have been the the keeper of the Turin Shroud in the sixteenth century.

Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:

1. All Molay loyal cirque overran deaf reader orally fail liar
2. Unseparative brute couu pulps superactive populus used
3. Boris then orbits empires prime invader afraid fibrilla fail
4. Ponsard set angel genu eract even Pauls strata actiue


# fibrilla: a minute continuous thread, filament or fibre as found in muscle tissue.
Molay: Jacques de Molay was the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar. He was burnt to death on an island in the Seine river in 1314. Verse C3 Q91 implies he left a runic message on a barrel arch before he died.
The law of More will be seen to decline
After another much more seductive
Dnieper first will come to give way
Via gifts and tongue another more attractive.
La loy Moricque on verra deffaillir
Apres vn autre beaucoup plus ſeductiue
Boristhenes premier viendra faillir
Par dons et langue vne plus attractiue.
L1: <Molay (Last of Templar Masters) fail overran cirque fed riLl><verrone fail deaf><rare filial oven fed oraLly><Loyal rill (small gulley)><overran cirque fed filial><My rocqi>

L2: <~a superActive couu pulps be nature uSed~><brute cuSsed unsepArative couu pulp> <runestave rAp tuuice><uSed Actiue couu pulp>pulSes

L3: <afraid empire orBits sheen ill riven><then Boris empires><afraid herBorist (herbalist) ill riven empires><premier orBits filarial driven><this preseen rime roB filial invader>

L4: <even pauls euPatrid tract stolen><Ponsard /Pardons tangle pauls tract venue><plus i even let agun attract Ponsard><<pauls tract even let a gun dePurations(purifications)~>
1: herborist, unseparative, fibrilla, cussed,
2: superactive, attract,
3: Eupatrid, tuuice,
4: orally, strata,
5: runestave, orbits, Molay,
6: populus, afraid, this, Stuart, tract,
7: -
8: theirs, filarial, ravens,
9: overran,
10: pardons / Ponsard,
11: cirque,
12: vaunt / uvant,
13: premieres, tangles, brute / rebut,
14: venue, then, Seth,
15: -
16: sperm,
17: dearer / reader / reared,
18: alloy, loyal, rvnes,
19: empires / premise, primes,
20: -
21: educt, vans,
22: -
23: -

herborist, cussed, unseparative, fibrilla, superactive, orbits, Eupatrid, twice, attract, runestave, strata, orally, Molay, afraid, this, tract, populus, Stuart, want, theirs, filarial, ravens, overran, cirque, Ponsard, tangles, brute, venue, then, Seth, sperm, reared, loyal, rvnes, empires, vans, educt.

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