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Nostradamus C3 Q96: Murder is revenged by a widespread campaign using arsenic based poison.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

Nostradamus Verse C3 Q96 Throughout This verse may not be written by Nostradamus.Execution of a traitor is the topic in the text of this verse. The style of the verse is such that its quite possible that this was not written by Nostradamus but inserted later.

This person is recaptured using dogs while escaping from prison via a tunnel he dug after poisoning the guards.

The focus of the text lies on Italy and the people involved in the execution of traitors and heretics. The Tarpeian Rock is a steep cliff on the south side of the Capitoline Hill, which was used in Ancient Rome as a site of execution.

Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:

1. He feed foes of Nassau group-courage as runa
2. Paler Duc cultured true delirium timelier rule repair
3. Facile pact recapture parapet excur on mound pattern
4. As arseniuret rise natures lone rune misses feuer stories size 
The Chief of Fossano will have his throat cut
By the leader of  bloodhound and greyhound
The deed executed by those of Tarpeian Rock,
Saturn in Leo February 13th.
Chef de Foſſan aura gorge coupee
Par le ducteur du limier et leurier
Le faict patre par ceux du mont Tarpee
Saturne en Leo 13 Feurier.
L1: <feed of nassau> as foes runa fed gorga gorge coup argo nasa

L2: <uuilder duct>urdu cultured rule delirium repair deuterium timelier l'ermite(peter) curled culted dreuu

L3: <atom practice pattern><feel mutation><extra part crude amount> parapet recapture uxed excur facile pact repel alef repeal modux

L4: <rue natures fire><lone rune> turn arseniuret starrune tunneler of13
1: delirium, cultured, recapture,
2: timelier, tunneler,
3: starrune,
4: uuilder, pattern, lermite, culted, gorga, nassau,
5: -
6: -
7: parapet,
8: arseniuret, curled, urdu, grec,
9: gorge,
10: -
11: facile,
12: -
13: -
14: milieu,
15: furie, foes,
16: mount,
17: -
18: excur,
19: -
20: mound, patter, nasau,
21: educt,
22: argo,
23: reliue, reuile,

recapture, delirium, cultured, timelier, tunneler, arseniuret, wilder, pattern, mount, Nassau, parapet, facile, milieu, gorge, mound, Urdu, Grec, excur,


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