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Nostradamus C4 Q62: Felons and saboteurs attack retail sites with weapons paid for by financiers.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

 Nostradamus Centuries 4 Quatrain 62  An ambitious colonel engages prisoners as saboteurs. He finances the machines they need to make chemical weapons.The tale in this verse provides details for understanding the turmoils that will bring the world to near ruin during this century.

The major keys for this task lie in anagrams for Manichae (machine a), saboteurs (ert ſera ſoub ), financier (rince fain), chloroamine (oronel machi)  and prisoner (re ſon pri).

Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:

1. Manichae beam noncombinative chloroamine
2. Pauls pall plugs renamed raised Seas
3. Consentor contention continue unite prisoner financer
4. Esteemed treasures codes wrote arouses as arrests embarass saboteurs
# Chloroamine: an inorganic chemical derived from ammonia.
noncombinative: substance that tends not to combine with others.
Manichae: believer in dualist cosmology where good & evil are eternal agents.
A colonel with ambition plots,
He will seize the greatest army,
Against his Prince false invention,
And he will be discovered under his arbor.
Vn coronel machine ambition
Se ſaiſira de la plus grand armee
Contre ſon prince fainte inuention
Et deſcouuert ſera ſoubz ſa ramee.
L1: <~noncombinatiVe chloramine~><ambient chloroamine Vnion><~michael / alchemi croon ambient vnion~><almoner niche croon Vnion ambit>manichae

L2: <radarmen SeeS iS plugs air lead / deal><renamed SeaS iS raid><~diSraeli eaSeS pauls dream rang~><~i renamed SeaS pall sugar raiSed~><armed iS raid eaSeS><sugar diarieS SeeS armed pall>lapidaries raiSes

L3: <~Contention unite financier perSon~><priSoner finance not Continue><ConSentor intone>

L4: <~zaraS ESteemed SaboteurS couuer~><~coutureS ESteemed bazarS arouSe~><treaSures ScoutEd><bazarS Sected touuerS arouSe><uueSter codeS><bazarS reaSSert Esteemed couu><B uteruS CarouSe>arreStS
1: noncombinative, chloroamine, chloramine, saboteurs,  Michael, Michal, esteemed,
2: contention, Manichae, continue, ambient,
3: lapidaries, roseuuaters, cornmeal, Disraeli, diaries, Leonor,
4: financier, Micah, ambit, iamb, 
5: prisoner, uuaterers, machine, radarmen, treasures, finance, Mancel,
6: -
7: vnion,
8: roseuuater, arrests,
9: consentor, costed,
10: uterus / suture,
11: austerer / treasure, calm, iris,
12: intone, sected,
13: ennui, 
14: prison, paled,
15: almoner, reassert,
16: coutures, arouses, niche,
17: beam,
18: Reuters,
19: renamed,
20: China / chain,
21: face,
22: Armand, faint, camel,
23: couture.

noncombinative, chloroamine, chloramine, saboteurs, esteemed, Michael, alchemy, Zaras, bazars, continue, Manichae, contention, sected, niche, coutures, arouses, financier, finance, prisoner, beam, machine, radarmen, treasures, consentor, costed, union, arrests, almoner, reassert, prison, calm, Reuters, China, face, Armand.


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