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Nostradamus C4 Q87: When Germany feeds its pensioners fluids agundeal and a cloned head create world-wide panic.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

Nostradamus Prophecies Centuries 4 Quatrain 59 A royal son gifted in languages is very different to his father and the older son who causes the kings adherants to perish.It is very noticable that the text's first line fits into the theme of the birth of a man with exceptional language skills and as with other verses holding this property it can be tied into the reinacarnation of a Christ clone.

This verse holds detail of a family's dynastic struggle for power. The anagrams imply  Fatherland ( l adherant F) feeding ( egne dif) pensioners ( ins Son pere) fluids ( filz du), herald panic ( ncipa -l adher), Tehran ( herant), Persians gundeal ( de langu - es aprins), insane ( n aiſne), persons ( s Son per), response ( s Son pere).

Anagrams able to give meaning to this verse include:

1. Sun fluids attend your gundeal notary guanase asprin untangled
2. Insane Son urea gene differ treason enter
3. Person response be Pauls auue prisons find coil
4. After reaper herald riper Tehran Fatherland panic

This story ties in with that in C1 Q95 and C4 Q88.

A King's son learned in many languages,
Different from his senior in the realm:
Handsome father understood by greater son,
Causes his principal adherent to perish.
Vn filz du Roy tant de langues aprins
A ſon aiſne au regne different
Son pere beau au plus grand filz comprins
Fera perir principal adherant.

L1: <persian notAry dealt gun fluidz> <attend your><persians gundeal><untangled at your persian sVn fi(e)ldz> <piraeus /upraise notaRy tangled fluidz> <~sVnni notaRy dealt panurges fluidz><ant led tRoy guanase fluidz><notaRy dealt asprin genus fluidz>

L2: <~euraSian gene differ neaT Son~><uneaSier if free Asonant (not sounded)><genre differ><AfferentS anionS reigned (mental triggers)><urea gene inSane treASon><feeding urea a sin> reSonAnt argue

L3: <auu reSponse be><find Paul Argus (Gk giant)> <reopen Sins> <penSioners>

L4: <Fatherland reap riper panic><Fear tehran><herald a panic> <aFter head principal ran riper>
1: Fatherland, untangled, pensioners, afferents,
2: afferent, feeding, herald, finvl,
3: Panurges, fluidz, asonant, persons, Ferrant, differ,
4: principal, response,
5: adherant, reigned, Tehran,
6: reopen,
7: farding, Pacini, fife,
8: Sauniere / uneasier, Paulus, pauu,
9: fenestra, find,
10: resonate, Ferrante, anions, panic, genus,
11: gundeal, harden, Lupus,
12: notary,
13: resonant,
14: fiend,
15: underage, Persians, heard,
16: Piraeus / upraise,
17: -
18: insane,
19: -
20: head,
21: -
22: iona, herd, had,
23: -

Fatherland, herald, feeding, pensioners, afferents, fluids, notary, untangled, uneasier, persons, differ, principal, response, reigned, Tehran, find, gundeal, resonate, harden, genus,  panic, insane, fiend, upraise, underage, head, Persians, Lupus, Paulus, heard.



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