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Nostradamus C5 Q55: Modern chemicals affect our atmosphere and initiate wars between East and West.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

Nostradamus Prophecies verse C5 Q55 Monomethylated Dicarbonate formed under anaerobic conditions in Alge in the Black Sea area becomes a world wide  interestDefining this verse are a whole series of highly distinctive anagrams two of which monomethylated (nt de loy Mahomet) and dicarbonate (abie contrad) are terms commonly used in sciences such as chemistry, biochemistry, soil science, and biology.

#Methylation addition or  substitution of a methyl group.
#dicarbonate chemical compound - two carbonate groups sharing oxygen atom.

The use of these terms and others eliminates any doubt as to which era this verse was meant to cover for it is our time that has the issues of newly created chemicals affecting the atmosphere and the quality of human life on this planet. Such changes must rank amongst the great mutations that the world has experienced.

The following is article 5583 in Science Vol 297 by Walter Michaelis et al

Microbial Reefs in the Black Sea Fueled by Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane

Massive microbial mats covering up to 4-meter-high carbonate buildups prosper at methane seeps in anoxic waters of the northwestern Black Sea shelf. Strong 13C depletions indicate an incorporation of methane carbon into carbonates, bulk biomass, and specific lipids. The mats mainly consist of densely aggregated archaea (phylogenetic ANME-1 cluster) and sulfate-reducing bacteria (Desulfosarcina/Desulfococcusgroup). If incubated in vitro, these mats perform anaerobic oxidation of methane coupled to sulfate reduction. Obviously, anaerobic microbial consortia can generate both carbonate precipitation and substantial biomass accumulation, which has implications for our understanding of carbon cycling during earlier periods of Earth's history.

Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:

1. Icefall area anaerobic dicarbonate reaction life once traded
2. Prussia notedly sustained antique monomethylated strain
3. Consequent poignance pleasing vexer once request regulates escaping
4. Ugly algae quitest agent gently rearm Pauls Graal
In the country of Arabia Felix
One powerful in law of Mahommed is born
To vex Spain, to conquer Grenada,
And more by sea against the Ligurian people.
De la felice Arabie contrade
Naiſtra puiſſant de loy Mahometique
Vexer l'Eſpaigne conqueſter la Grenade
Et plus par mer a la gent Lyguſtique.
L1: <Arab traDed on ice><leaD dicarbonate life cAre / rAce><Anaerobic ice traDed><Arab reaction / creation icefall Deed><Dread leaf>

L2: <pruSSia a Monomethylated>StraiN<SaintS home a equipartiSaN Melody><SuStained partS> <Melody partS SuStain / iSSuant a home><notedly aS time oMah upStairS><rapiSt iSSuant a home Melody>

L3: <no Escaping queSt real danGer><~once plEaSing a requeSt enlarGer Vexed~><~once real queSt enGraVed plEaSing xeer~><conSequent danGer real><larGer queSt poignancE><requeSt coinage> reGulates larGeSt reconqueSt

L4: <~ugLy uppsalr agent quiEteSt realm~><gentLy remaps Suit graal> <pauls angel rearm><agent guStiLy realarm><algae prearm>
1: monomethylated, dicarbonate, anaerobic, poignance, upstairs, icefall,
2: Prussia, equipartisan, reconquest, notedly, escaping, aerobic, relapsing,  reexpels, melody,  gently, vexed,
3: conquest, gutsily / gustily, septuple, quietest, gusty,
4: regulates, partisan, engraved, tugs,
5: consequent, sustained, Mahomet,
7: upstair, stands,
8: issuant, Homam, request, yodel, home,
9: largest, quest, Omah, guy,
10: reaction,
11: elapsing / pleasing, alarmer / realarm, facile,
12: darted / traded, quits,
13: -
14: prearms,
15: -
16: Uppsalr, rapist, algae,
17: argental,
18: ramps,
19: -
20: -
21: -
22: -
23: -.

monomethylated, dicarbonate, poignance, equipartisan, anaerobic, icefall, relapsing, notedly, escaping, upstairs, aerobic, algae, reexpels, Prussia, melody, gently, vexed, gustily, regulates, quietest, partisan, consequent, ugly, engraved, coinage, traded, evade, Mahomet, sustained, quietus, issuant, largest, home, request, Omah, creation, pleasing, facile, Uppsalr, rapist.





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