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Nostradamus C5 Q57: Gaulonite lineage radiates out from Adratic Sea.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

Nostradamus C5 Q57 Going from Mt Gaulsier & Aventin a person warns army via hole, booty of Sectus Mausoleum (Agen / Glanum) taken In the next verse  the text highligts a mausoleum for Sectus. This name is one of three on the mausolem from the ancient city of Glanum whose ruins are adjacent to Nostradamus' birth place,

But the anagrams furthr imply that the relevance of the Gaulonites, a Galileen sect of the Jesus era, is not just based on  influences in the past but is to do with the genetic line left in peoples of the Istrian ( in Istra) peninsula.

Other verses in my paper called Gaulonites ( ont Gaulſie) utilise anagrams of Serbian which is very apt for peoples of this same region of the Adriatic coast.

Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:

1. In Istrian mud Etruria insinuate Gaulonites earliest mound  regulations unite intent
2. Lorraine memo teams desex man so all fall ill

3. Radiature  equip real route alarm
4 Entered sources repairs blueprints
Going from Mont Gullsier and Aventin,
One who through the hole warns the army
Between two rocks the booty taken,
Of Sectus' mausoleum the renown to fail.
Istra du mont Gaulſier et Auentin
Qui par le trou aduertira l'armee
Entre deux rocs ſera prins le butin
De SEXT mansol fallir la renommee.

L1: <Gaulonites (Essene) re-Attune Istrian (Slovenian peninsula -Adriatic Sea) mud><unite In earlieSt star><trIads mount> <darts InSinuate /annuities liGatures mount ><Istar mound liGatureS><unite Asterile straIn> reGulationS

L2: <radiature arm Equip real route><april route Queme (most pleasing)><touuard paler arterial> reQuiem alarm

L3: <~but ux croSs Entered in raper lines~><blueprints intEn(t) reduce croSs era><~intErnet uxed croSs repair blue sin~><blues intent reduxe cross> <croSs extrude><raper croSs exude nutriEnt>subtle / bluest unit unitE

L4: <lorraine fall><~lorraine lofTsman all SEX meemeD~><almoner Deem ir loans fall> <omen Deem> DESeX SEeD

2: nutrient, cross,
3: ligatures, annuities, RADIATURE, INSINUATE,
4: unentered, INTERNET, ARTERIAL,
5: REGULATIONS, nubiles, desex,
7: BLUEST, TAURIDS, queme,
8: ALTAIR, uuader,
10: unexerted, gaunt,
11: Lorraine, earliest, alarmer / realarm, urox, fall,
12: Luisa, tube,
13: enspiral, interned, extrude, attune,
14: -
15: almoner,
16: mount,
17: triads,
18: but,
19: -
20: repairs, mound, reduxe, blues,
21: feint,
22: orlean, dreux, foal,
23: caress / scares, uuade

Istrian, blueprints, loftsman, requiem, cross, ligatures, insinuate, radiature, unentered, internet, arterial, regulations, seemed, Gaulonites, intent, desex, nubiles, towards Etruria, Lorraine, earliest, alarmer, unexerted, but, almoner, triads, mount, Lorraine, mound, repairs.



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