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Nostradamus C5 Q66: The ruins of Roman Glanum as the hiding place for Nostradamus treasures.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

 Nostradamus C5 Q66 Under Glanum's 'Les Atiques' near the ruined aqueduct there are vestal edifices where treasures of Gold and Silver have been hidden.While in his youth Nostradamus lived in St Remy and just outside the boundaries lay the ruins of the Roman city of Glanum but it was mainly buried. The local name of this ruin site covered by local sediment is 'les antiques' a name mentioned  in the first line of text. The second line refers to a nearby ruined aqueduct which also is linked to the time when Glanis thrived. There was a dam and aqueduct to support the region and it lay just above the Roman town. But most of these features excluding the Mausoleum were covered by sediment or fell into disrepair,

Arch of Sextus at GlanumVia this verse we can deduce Nostradamus used his local knowledge of these ruins to hide or find treasures on behalf of others.

The anagrams underpinning the thrust of the text include century (ct ruyne), deifies (es edifi), departmental (dante lampe T), name-plate (ante lampe), Adonai (aian d'o), disquieten (ntiques edi), Templar (lampe Tr), sequential (les antiques), template (te lampe T).

Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:

1. Soul-X subsequential sabulose seed disquieten Saint if staves deifies vices
2. None uuaqed design century loosening
3. Mans names luxated amulets so Sullies Lunes tell stolen
4. Templar departmental nameplate radiant template Bernui ordain.

# Adonai: Hebrew name of God

Under Glanum's 'Les Atiques' near the ruined aqueduct there are vestal edifices where treasures of Gold and Silver have been hidden.
Under 'Les antiques' vestal edifices,
Not far from the ruined aqueduct:
The glittering metals are of Sun and Moon,
The lamp of Trajan engraved with gold burning.
Soubs les antiques edifices veſtaulx
Non eſloignez d aqueduct ruyne
De Sol et Lune ſont les luisans metaulx
Ardante lampe Traian d'or burine.

L1: <subsequential Soulx ceSsative / vesicates (blistered)><So subsequential Stave lux><deifies quaint Soulx stave bless><quaint Souls bless Seat defies vices><disqueten if vices luxates (disjoint) sabulose (blisters)>veSts

L2: <~None lose dezign century uuaqed~><None loSing century adze / daze queu'd><looSeN dezign><None ruyn duct Sole dezign><on legionS century>

L3: <luxateD (disjointed) sensualism let seulimans Son loSe lute><sell mans Stolen toLueneS> amulets

L4: <radianT orb ruin><depArTmental radian><and orb ruin piraTe lament> <diana rob ardent Templar><aria Template><and piraTe metal adorn bernui (Jean d. of Toulouse)><leTtermap diana orb>

2: disquieten, sequential, Suleimans ,TEMPLATE,
5: loosening, daze / adze,
6: TEMPLAR, VICES,  sullies, luxate, vests, Oxus,
7: toluenes, stollen, amulet, BERNUI,
8: quietens, blouses, queu'd, endz,
10: -
11: tells,
12: ordain / radion, lament / mental /mantle, Nelson, Luisa,
13: tamper,
14: ill-use, stave,
15: aria,
16: radian,
17: -
18: mates / teams,
19: palm, ruyn,
20: blues,
21: salute, educt,
22: bless,
23: legion.

subsequential, departmental, nameplate, defies, sabulose, century, deifies, vesicates, Adonai (name of God), disquieten, Templar, sequential, template, Suleimans, letter-map, staves, dezign, Diana, amulets, luxated, loosening, radiant, soulx, quietens, Bernui, vices, lament , ill-use, inquest, ordain.

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