Nostradamus C5 Q88: A great flood flood exposes Belarus to Chernobyl's hazards.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015
This verse continues the theme of the previous
two with it concentrating on Northern events during the time of
the frightful floods at the end of this century.
Its anagram
references to
Belarus (
le ſab)
nearmost (
onſtre ma)
stream rinsed (
ſtre ma -rin Des)
women (
uue mon)
watered (
aue de Tu) links in to
the future radiation impacts that might be expected from Chernobyl
in the circumstance of the nominated great flood.
The named supergiants
Rigel (C5
Regulus (C5
Q88), Antares (C5
Q58), Canopus (C8
Q63) and Deneb (C5
Q15) can all be seen as anagrams within the Prophecies. Usage of
these prominent stars as his prime pointers for dates is
consistent with his stated approach to present astronomic date codes.
Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:
1. Bellaso labels on par Regulus
runa use hide Belarus deluges
2. UUomens omens in nearmost stream remainder meters treasures
3. Africa safer cupholder liue afar echo rvne purge 4. Stannate nutrient wintered in watered
USA enclaves enclose
Italian contemporary of Nostradamus who made important
contributions to the science of secret writings.
C5 Q88
Original Verse in English and French
(Benoit Ed.)
Through a frightful flood upon the sand, A marine monster
from other seas found Near the place will be made a
refuge, Holding Savona the slave of Turin.
Sur le ſablon par vn hideux deluge Des autres mers
trouue monſtre marin Proche du lieu ſera faict vn refuge
Tenant ſauone eſclaue de Turin.
Adjacent Anagrams plus Anagrams of
highest merit. ( ~ means full line used) Selection
Order based on letter rarity, word and sequence length plus line
L1: <hide labelS uxed on reguluS><reguluS apron exuded
labelS><~delugeS vnhid belaruS apron uxe~><labourleSS glue
exuded><urgeS labelS on uueldx hide>loSable ruleS
<usa meters uuorst monSter remained><uuomen mAster
unsteaDier tremors><as true remainDer>.<uue resort
aroDiSsment matures><unasserteD meters><uuorst omenS>
<ermesinDa (re lEscl) uuorst monSter matures><remountS>
L3: <Purge echo fearS f rvne uuield><i uSe cuPholder
fear><africa uSe lie>afar chore
L4: <~uSa encloSe
uuaTered in Tenant~><~Sauant encloSe nuTrient
euade~><TenantS unTried / inTrude clauSe><~one uSa Tenat
uuinTered Scale~><Satan inTern>nanteS <~one clauSe reuniTed
uSa Tenant~><STannate ouen ruin calueS>
Table listing anagram occurrences
(1-23) in Nostradamus' Prophecies
1: arrondissement, labourless, unerudite, uuintered,
remainder, 2: cupholder, nutrient, Bellaso,
uuomen(s), uuields, 3: unasserted, stannate,
Regulus, , 4: uuatered, Belarus, mariner,
erudite, 5: unsteadier, unreadiest, Ermesinda, reunited,
labels, 6: Eridanus, tenants, 7: purge, 8:
remounts, mouuer, innate, hid, 9: untried,
tremors, matures, hide, 10: uuield, 11: Africa,
muster, 12: remained, Claude, deluge, 13: exuded,
glues, 14: progue, austere, 15: ochred, uuorst,
16: nearmost, rinsed, 17: - 18: tenant, 19:
uuiles, 20: enclose, aunts, 21: terms, 22:
clause, master / stream, 23: deluxe, apron.
Key Ideas:
labourless, arrondissement, cupholder, wintered, remainder,
wields, stannate, nutrient, Bellaso, hide, unasserted, Regulus,
deluges, watered, womens, refuge, Belarus, nearmost, stream,
rinsed, unsteadier, mariner, erudite, Ermesinda, reunited,
labels, Eridanus, tremors, purge, tenants, remounts, clause,
hid, innate, terms, Africa, intrude, muster, worst, glues,
progue, exuded, austere, wiles, enclose, aunts, ochred, apron.