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Nostradamus C6 Q10: Type-set fonts become an issue for Nostradamus code.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

 Nostradamus Centuries 6 Quatrain 10 In a short time temples of white & black colour mingle with red & yellow that carries off  blood, land, plague famie and fire until all is extiguished by water.This verse relates to the multi-racial tenor of modern culture that became part of France in the centuries after Nostradamus' life. But in our century as the environment degenerates through flood and fire this multicultural strength becomes the focal point for genocidal war.

Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:

1. Temples supplemented codeless rules 
2. Next doctrine used enabled noncreditable deeds enter melees
3. Junta rules rumble stolen jets rogue role 
4. Fumed offal generates aim steeper fate feud uuade
In a short time the temples with colors
Of white and black the two intermixed
Red & yellow ones carry off theirs from them
Blood land plague famine fire extinguished by water
Vn peu de temps les temples des couleurs
De blanc et noir des deux entremeſlee
Rouges et jaunes leur embleront les leurs
Sang terre peſte faim feu d'eau affollee.
L1: <stempel codeless><meets V supplemented rules><stemples rules-decouples><stemple upend temples seeds>

L2: <undersexed noncelibate><elSe enableD seed doctrine term uxe><uxe noncreDitable deeds><next notice red used enableD meleeS><Bleed deeds container><enableD coresident exudes><iron lancet deeds><desired connate uxe><octennial Semele meter oriented desertion

L3:<nobler rules let Rogues><jaunt / junta see stollen regRouus><else junta rumble><Rogues rules stolen jet reneuuals>

L4: <regenerates Step><i fumed peerS Strange fate><feud aim><negateS peStererer><reagentS peSter><regret offal uuade enSeal peSt>
3: nonrecital, recondite, CODELESS, JUNTA/ jaunt,
4: unsexed, FUMED, JETS,
6: DOCTRINE, INDORSE, ulcerous, connate,
7: stollen, regrant,
8: deduxes, Lenaeus, jet,
9: smelter, nobler,
10: unexerted, Stemples,
11: louuers / slouuer, tells, fume,
12: negates, regret,
13: oriented, unseal, melees / Semele, bleed, next,
14: -
15: feast / fates,
16: -
17: bled,
18: blade, rulers,
19: lancet,
20: generates, teenagers, pelmets / Stemple / Stempel / temples, off,
21: louuer, aleles, 
22: fate,
23: uuade.

undersexed, noncelibate, supplemented, noncreditable, renewals, regrows, octennial, ruleless, rumble, junta, regenerates, desired, codeless, offal, recondite, container, enabled, stranger, doctrine, indorse, connate, stollen, coresident, ulcerous, smelter, generates, fate, fumed, jets, desertion, nobler, rulers, regret, lancet, blade, unexerted.





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