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Nostradamus C6 Q31: Many evils accompany the invasion of Italy.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

 Nostradamus Centuries 6 Quatrain 31 A King finds what he desires most when a prelate is unfairly blamed but his reply to a noble leaves him in distress and he puts several Milanese to death in an act of attritionThis verse is a catalogue of the many different forms of death that will impact on Italy when they join the war against invading armies from the Middle East.

The implications from both text and anagrams are consistent with what we know about the impact of war om the victors and the defeated, their soldiers and those that are exposed to the horrors of war but not active participants.

Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:

 1. El-Quid clique uurote  delirious soldier acquire Troy attrition
2. Land repair in quatrain-reports relates Persian reparation
3. Unpredaceous prose a clue calm endear malcontent
4. UUiser mortuaries quit animals apartment Islam treat armouries mental ailments
The King finds that which he desired so much
When the Prelate will be blamed unjustly
His reply to the Duke leaves him dissatisfied,
He who in Milan will put several to death
Roy trouuera ce qu'il deſiroit tant
Quand le Prelat ſera reprins a tort
Reſponce au duc le rendra mal content
Qui dans Milan mettra pluſieurs a mort.
L1: <notaRy uurote race><editorialiSt acquire><deliriouS titan tRoy touuer acquire><titan Soldier acquire tRoy touuer> tRoy clique Sired attrition /titration

L2:<Quatrains-report PrelateS rare land><rareSt persian uPlander><arreSt patroniser><alter eraS uPland reparations><land rePeal arreSt><PrelateS land rare persian tort> transpire

L3: <unpRedaceouS calend'r><pReSent ocean SeRpent curled-under><pRoSe content alarm><carloman tent lender>

L4: <Mans ailment part><Manasil / aniMals matter><Quit Mainlands><[plus man treat armouries Quit><paulS mortuaries><arms ieuuS><and romas uuiSer men Quit islaM><Milans apartment><mental part><ursae upriSal><manS milan platter uuiSer romas quit>
2: planettariums, MAINLANDS, Apuleius,
3: mentalism, crauuled, UPLANDER, uueacqer,
4: Carloman, melanism, SOLDIER,
5: atropins, caupones, RADARMEN, AILMENT,
6: patroniser, spirulate, animals, manasil, spirant, platter, quort, DRAMA,
7: TRANSPIRE, Pensaco, planed,
8: ACQUIRE, CONTENT, curled, slider, tarot,
9: armours, deuils,
10: ELQUID, UPRISAL, Elquid,
11: PERTAINS, aquid / quida, calm,
12: notary, lament, quacer,
13: ocean,
14: -,
15: damns,
16: usuries,
17: Jeuus / uuise,
18: plaster / psalter, clique, Milans, present, serpent,
19: uuiles, Astrea,
20: patter, Islam,
21: lender, Amos,
22: prelates, Armand, uuiser, quid,
23: uuade.

unpredaceous, editorialist, mortuaries, apartment, armouries, reparations, delirious, attrition, Apuleius, Manasil, planettariums, mainlands, mentalism, weaker, uplander, crawled, Carloman, soldier, melanism, atropins, caupones, patroniser, radarmen, ailment, spirulate, animals, drama, transpire, Pensaco, acquire, content, lament Elquid, devils, armours, damn, Jews, clique, usuries, calm, ocean, Islam, wade.






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