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Nostradamus C6 Q35: Critical secrets about the Jesus clone.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

 Nostradamus Centuries 6 Quatrain 35 Near Russia a fire so great the stars are covered in a white haze coming from Cernobyl like fires that burn the vast plains of their ancient wood and cities whose names are lost along with the means of measuring time. The bizarre nature of this verse's text is a clue that it holds an important secret and the nature of it is the time and place of the cloning of a man from DNA; a person believed to be sourced from Christ. The anagrams that link it to birth are orthopneic balance ( which refer to both the position used in birth and the implanting of an embryo.


Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:

1. Alien interposed orthopneic balance Chernobala pointer Chilean desertion
2. Graver uuar site reconceal nuclear-source alive agree waters rise agrieve
3. Epistoler diplanar solar ordeals remains and alien arms marines perjurist

4. Each letter traces elites scarce objects iceberg scatter cause cities haze    
Near the Bear and close to the white wool,
Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo,
Mars, Jupiter, the Sun will burn a great plain
Woods and cities letters hidden in the candle.

Near Russia a fire so great the stars are covered in a white haze coming from Cernobyl like fires that burn the vast plains of their ancient wood and cities whose names are lost along with the means of measuring time.
Pres de Rion et proche a blanche laine
Aries Taurus Cancer Leo la Vierge
Mars Jupiter le Sol ardra grand plaine.
Bois et citez lettres cachez au cierge.
L1: <~alien Peer interPosed anchorable ch~><ResPired orthopneic balance heal><banal chilean oRiented Peers echo><banal chilean echo pointer><~bachelor deeRs encePhalin (natural opiate) a pointer~><Plainer deeRs protein echo><crop deseRtion><alien RePrised>

L2: <~iraTes rage nuCLear-source aliVe~><Agree ConceaLers uuaTers Vial ><~ConceaLers regeAr uuar Site Vial><aVeoli uuars riTes Agree><Variole rAge<sTaruuise AgrievE>

L3: <Juras arMenia triple ordealS><~diplanar Solar drag Juras pit Men reel~><Solar reptile drag Juras men>

L4:<~it cites geBo zettle curie scarce haze~><~geBo cities zettle traces curie chaze~><iceBerg zettle societi traces><~zet letter caches uza societi iceBerg~><elitez chaze geBo sect scatter curie~>
2: interposed, bachelor, RECONCEAL, OBIECTS, epistoler,  zetetic, letterz,
3: concealers / reconceals, diplanar, paladin, galdrar, CITIES, HAZE,
4: recatches, staruuise, catchers, alveoli, zettle, ELITEZ, BEACH, CAUSE, JURAS, Gebo,
6: indorse, SCATTER, CANCERS,obeit,
7: RESPIRED/ reprised, ARIEGE,
8: blanche, ARMENIA oval,
9: triple, grieve, uuart, radar,
10: caches, giver, easier,
11: protein / pointer, UUATERS,
12: plenaries,
13: oriented, ordeals, cleaner,
14: reside, uuars,
15: Horace, banal,
16: -
17: grandpa, Curie,
18: plainer, spender,
19: marines / remains, repine,
20: -
21: letters, agree,
22: alive, avile,
23: relose.

nuclear-source, anchorable, Chilean, war site, bachelor, interposed, iceberg, objects, concealer, epistoler, zetetic, letters, recatches, cities, diplanar, haze, starwise, Gebo, elites, cauze, Juras, beach, desertion, scarce, protein, waters, balance, easier, cancers, variole, agrieve, banal, ordeals, indorse, wars, Curie, remains, plainer letters, agree, Ariege, reprised.


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