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Nostradamus C6 Q38: Massive earthquakes in Italy signal the birth of the Jesus clone.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

 Nostradamus Centuries 6 Quatrain 38 Enemies of peace to the profligates after having conquered Italy become bloodthirsty black ones with red exposed by fire bloodshed and the waters now famed for bloodiness. This verse provides much of the unifying threads that link the preceding verses to the story of the Jesus clone at the time of the Italian war against Eastern invaders. One of the defining anagrams is puerperae (uperee Apr) which means 'woman with new-born child'. The verse, like the previous one, also continues the details of poetic devices used in coding extra details such as dates.

Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:

1. 'uxa'  Zed glif  z-x-guide-profile ape exiles seen  men expansile sexennial aims
2. S
auior ritual super ape puerperae pluralities
3. Rogueries macroseism era signorinas  arousing Iguanian gun
4. Unsafe engravers evade reverse clangorous role

The enemies of peace to the profligates,
After having conquered Italy
Bloodthirsty black one's red exposed,
Fire, blood shed, water colored by blood.

Aux profligez de paix les ennemis
Apres auoir l'Italie ſuperee
Noir ſanguinaire rouge ſera commis
Feu, ſang verſer eaue de ſang couloree.
L1: <~uxA mines profil-e /prolife edgez~><iAmes sexennial><for ape exiles glidez>

L2: <~puerperAe (woman with new-borns) sauior t'aIl lie~><Super Ape sauior traIl lie><~ere i arouse Ape pluralIties~>

L3: <iguanianS iroN rogue macroSeism (massive earthquakes) ><uain SigNorinaS roguerieS> <Seer comma arouSing rogue siN>roSsini moNisM

L4: <unSaFe vergeS Seer aver><~euade colour Fee ageNs engraverS uSe~><era Sang verSe><engraveS / avengerS / nervegaS><vergerS><reverSe / Severe / revereS> clangorouS conSulage
2: unclog, Alexis, axile, 
3:MACROSEISM, AROUSING, PLURALITIES, AVENGERS,  engraves / nervegas, vergers,
4: consulage, decagons, verges,
5: engravers, comma,
6: Iguanians, axil,
7: -
8: Sangroi,
9: oiseau, reveres / reserve / reverse,
10: -
11: graven,
12: -
13: exiles, ,
14: unsafe, glif,
15: sauing, sauior, foil,
16: cog,
17: lexis,
18: -
19: coma,
20: -
21: -
22: -
23: Simon.

clangorous, signorinas, expansile, rogueries, Rossini, sexennial, monism, colour, puerperae, Alexis, unclog, rainier, axile, macroseism, arousing, avengers, pluralities, nervegas, Iguanians, vergers, consulage, reserve, comma, engravers, unsafe, glif, foil, saviour.

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