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Nostradamus C6 Q90: Concept of hell's fires motivates mechanisms of war.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

 Nostradamus Centuries 6 Quatrain 90 This verse relates to the nature of Hell and human willingness to blame the gods for war rather than our own abhorrent actions.As part of his tutelage the Jesus clone is required to conduct a quite horrific raid against the gangsters enemies. It is in this enterprise that he first uses the gift of his word powers to sway the populace to his cause.

Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:

1. Abominant emptiness in hell is label men put on sins nemesis
2. Cafeterias fireplaces replicates life elicit practise
3. Pouuers enters features our algebra danger excused
4. Inept-X- tune it equat' panix increase in arsenic it incinerates
The stinking abominable disgrace,
After the deed he will be congratulated
The great excuse for not being favorable,
Is Neptune won't be persuaded to peace
L'honniſſement puant abhominable
Apres le faict ſera felicite
Grand excuſe pour n'eſtre fauorable
Qu'a paix Neptune ne ſera incite.
L1: <autobahn emptiness minable><nemesis put hole><hell ban no sin>putamen helon label seem eloh messine(metz) amino seism maptune bath hello

L2: <faster fireplaces elicit>< replicates><traces life false>fecials fleas lepers affricates(complex speech sounds) fears alef reflates pirate cafeterias

L3: <our algebra features ndex><enters pouuers><after our runes><portunes excused> cupreous fenestra gardenable unrest eufrates freest faster labour enlarged returns labor boreal steer

L4: <a quiet increase><put unseen>iniect quite xantippe(socrates wife) incite tune arsenic incinerates neptunee
1: AFFRICATES, ALGEBRA, autobahn, xantippe, maptune, putamen,   2: RETURNS, EMPTINESS, hello, FIREPLACES, INCINERATES,       3: derangable, gardenable, reflates, neptunee, bath,  4: FEATURES, REPLICATES, minable, fecials, Eufrates,   5: iniect, INCITE, LABOR, UNREST,   6: INCREASE, HELL.  7: CAFETERIAS, EXCUSE stepmen,   8: ELICIT, BOREAL, LABEL,  9: cupreous, fenestra, unseen, endx, ndex, 10: easier,   11: facile, naxi,  12: ARSENIC, PORTUNES,
13: alferes,
14: -
15: messine, nemesis, faster, faster, eloh, hole,
16: pouuers, refail, false, fleas,
17: -
18: excused, freest,
19: peratic,
20: flees, feels,
21: -
22: -
23: -

Key Ideas:

cafeterias, fireplaces, emptiness, incinerates, replicates, algebra, features, returns, minable, cupreous, portunes, increase, incite, labour, elicit, arsenic, bath, excuse, boreal, unrest, Helon, facile, powers, nemesis, easier, label, hell, false, Grael, sect, freest, sin.

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