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Nostradamus C6 Q99: The secret rhythms of the Prophecies.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

Here is a verse with enigmas to excite the mind. The sequence of verses at the end of Centuries VI hold numerous code-relevent anagrams in their lines and this one is no exception.


Nostradamus verse C6 Q69 Learned enemy confused by seeing Nostradamus quatrains as encodement about wars whereas that is the entry pathThe anagrams are once again heavily accented towards code-type words and in particular to the war stories in the quatrains. Several of them are split anagrams but even so they occur nowhere else to the fashion and extent found here.

This code-focussed list includes encodement-style, quatrains-wrote, our-techniques, counter-reason, strenuously, nonsurface, equations, decagrams, defeated, question, my-code, poems-entry, choruses subscheme.

Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:

1. My-code counter-reason encodement-style l-enn-em nonsurface
2. Decagrams  lamp map defeated IC (99) part subscheme
3. Poems-entry seen poet strenuously factorise Nowells Yules
4. Our-techniques quatrains-wrote equations warcodes choruses prechose

C6 Q99

The learned enemy will find himself confused,
His great army sick, and defeated by ambushes,
The Pyrenees and Pennine Alps will be denied him,
Discovering near the river ancient jugs.
L'ennemy docte ſe tournera confus
Grad camp malade et defaict par embuſches
Mots Pyrenees et Poenus luy ſerot faicts refus
Proche du fleuue deſcouurat antiques oruches.

Anagram sequences in the French Text.

  1. <my-code 'L enn' Set non-surface route> <my enn fueLs counter-reaSon><to our encodement-styLe>
  2. <Subscheme part> <i defeated pact><Such decaGrams map defeat deal>
  3. <Poet Surely see PoeMs-entry factorise forM-use><Poets Strenuously >
  4.  <uue fchedule uuar-codeS equitant [folded over] > <antique chorus><our-techniques><quaint source><question><equations><quatrains-uurote>
1: encodement-style, quatrains-uurote, our-techniques, counter-reason, strenuously, nonsurface, equations, decagrams, question, defeated, mycode,
2: poemsentry, factorise, choruses, cumbers, chorus, mpost, defeat, fumes,
3: subscheme, plenteous, poenulus, sporty, fato,
4: quaintest, uuarcodes, fueled,
5: raucous, nouuels, attain, tatian, fated, poete,
6: choreus,
7: fchedule, feted,
8: equitant, surely,
9: poynters, syntrope, prechose, inquest, costed, uuart,
10: antiques, franco, crouus, coruus, such, post, stop, spot, tops, deft,
11: uueeds,
12: embus, poets, rerun,
13: racist, tamper, crouu,
14: troyes, unrare,
15: ochred, carpet, crist,
16: spry,
17: respy, pyres, preys, camp, most,
18: enroute, seduce, elated, fuels,
19: peratic, grades, yules, lamp, palm, taura, poet, renee,
20: amber,
21: -
22: forest, softer,
23: crops,

encodement-style, quatrains-wrote, our-techniques, counter-reason, strenuously, nonsurface, equations, decagrams, question, defeated, my-code, poems-entry, factories, choruses, cumbers, chorus, mpost, defeat, fumes, subscheme, plenteous, Poenulus, sporty, Fato, quaintest, warcodes, fueled, raucous, Nowels, attain,  fated, feted, equitant, surely, syntrope, prechose, inquest, costed, wart, antiques, Franco, crows, such, post, deft, weeds, embus, poets, rerun, racist, tamper, Troyes, unrare, ochred, carpet, Crist, spry, pyres, preys, camp, most, enroute, seduce, elated, fuels, peratic, grades, Yules, lamp, palm, taura, poet, Renee, amber, forest, softer, crops.


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