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Nostradamus C7 Q06: The age of Aquarius engulfed by Celestial ills.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

 Nostradamus Centuries 7 Quatrain 06  Barbarians make Mediterranean lands unihabitable mirroring a the ascendancy of Celestial BearsHere Nostradamus alludes to how he has referred to and amended ancient ideas of the celestial plane to a form a sky more in keeping with the future.  The last reference in the text is in keeping with the era of a polar acis shift  since that regresses the sky picture to a more pagan age.


It is in this designated age (which fits to our own era) that the ills mentioned in his text will occur. This is already known to be one of Nostradamus' major themes as can be seen in my papers titled Mutations and Nostradamus on War

Anagrams from which the keys will come include:

1. Celestial_plane_please_meter_outlet
2. Remap_barbarian_era bears inhabit
3. Cirques _lines_equals dates_entered_reading 
4. Inferred gesture define fate tempt maiden in UXA
Naples, Palerma and all of Sicily
will be uninhabited through Barbarian hands.
Corsica, Salerno and the island of Sardinia,
hunger, plague, war the end of extended evils.

Naples Palerme et toute la Secille
Par main barbare ſera inhabitee
Corſicque Salerne et de Sardeigne l'iſle
Faim peſte guerre fin de maux intemptee.
  1. <celeStial plaNe l meter out elapse><~meet real outlet laNe Slice aPpeals~>
  2. <barbarian remaP arieS bathin [ Demon Duke of Hell]><imPerate [directive] barbarian inhabi(t) Seer>
  3. <equalS CiceroS redeSignated illS><entered readings><equalS dateS CiceroS illS reigned><Sequela enter diSagreed lineS><learnS cirqueS [glacial lake] lineS Close>
  4. <refer maiden guest><tempt friend urge amuxe in Steep aim><refined geSture><inferred gueSt amuxe>

1: barbarian_ERA, designated, ,
2: celestial_PLANE, celestial, toluates, disagree, inferred, refined,
3: colleries, disagreed, dreadest, Ciceros (2x)
4: calques / claques, Iacques, cirques,
5: inhabit, imperate, reigned, friend, auxin, guest,
6: infamed, appeals, sequela, unitex,
7: regained, pastime, toluate, Bathin, apples, Binah, Minab, clil,
8: legendari, realigned, resample, quisce, define,
9: gesture, brain, find, xiu, xui,
10: recoils, casque, closer, mined, dirge / ridge, easier,
11: sampler, bearers, refire,
12: dearest, Marian, Gedi,
13: equals, tempt, Maria,
14: empties, resented, fiend,
15: single, rebase,
16: -
17: Parma, gets,
18: outlet, dreads / sadder,
19: elapse, please, infer / finer, Renee,
20: maiden, habit,
21: salute, Hiba,
22: ills,
23: -.

redesignated, celestial plane, inferred, Ciceros, imperate, cirques, disagreed, maidens, guest, gesture, tempt, friend, pastime, resample, letter, toluate, appeals, quiesce, auxin, empties, resented, toluates, Marian, define, closer, outlet.



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