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Nostradamus C07 Q10: Man's medical response to increased pollution.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

 Nostradamus Centuries 7 Quatrain 10 Mining along the coast of Africa .is an important component of the quest to use DNA from Christ to enable his line to be resurrectedIn this verse we have further details of the manner in which the disruption to life on this planet will occur in the period beyond the middle of this century. It involves the pollutant impact of volcanic activity and the attempts by man to redress the adverse affects by medial means.

The anagrams giving the hidden meaning to this verse include:

1. Draping limnetic dimorphite import hoped mud span Grael
2. pure vauxite alleviant exuviate ill chant fetched danger pre-excited user
3. Tamperer regretted remap meter deter greed alleged Roman allot ornaments span
4. Paper bears cerebral clone oracle Pleione appears on special space ellipse
By the great Prince bordering Le Mans,
brave and valiant leader of the great army;
by land and sea with Bretons and Normans,
to pass Gibraltar & Barcelona to pillage the isles.
Par le grand prince limitrophe du Mans
Preux et vaillant chef de grand exercite
Par mer et terre de Gallotz et Normans
Caſpre paſſer Barcelone pille iſle.

L1: <Mud limit orphe (butterfly) larger span><huMan-sPread/ sPared large import>dimorphite (volcanic rock -arsenic sulphide) limnetic (freshwater lake)

L2:<alleviant (medicine giving relief) fetched><re-excite Pure danger ill chant fed><all exuviate (stripped material from a body) vauxite (phosphate mineral)><vital uxe><deranged fetch>

L3:<lotz regaled (entertained lavishly) ><Greed remaP orNaments allotz><to alleGed moNzter><all reGretted><tormeNtz sPan>

L4: <one pill iS cereBral><aSp replaCeS SerB oracle><SliCe appearS><aS Bears paperS SliCe reclone><cereBral SapS replaCeS open lilieS>

4: ALLEVIANT, RECEIPT   5: FETCH, IMPORT, LIMITER,    6: SERBS, ALLOT, LILIES, CLIME, ornament,  7: re-excite,  8: parcels, PLACES, LIMIT,  9: Cassiel, APPEARS, CRAB, GALL, endx,   10: tamperer,  11: REPLACES, HOPE, tezt, 12: trim,  13: deranged, 14: prearms, 15: ORACLE, LEGAL, 16: SPACE,   17: -
18: Timor, agreed, ramps,
19: recite / reiect, repute, teeter,
20: -,
22: capers / pacers / scrape , caps,
23: -.

dimorphite, limnetic, tormentz, exuviate, regretted, cerebral, alleged, preexcite, vauxite, Pleione, Algol, hoped, tentz, ornaments, fetched, vital, toll, alleviant, receipt,  import, fetch, lotz /lozt, ornament, lilies, allot, clime, Serbs, re-excite, parcels, places, limit, Cassiel, appears, gall, crab, endx, tamperer, replaces, hope, tezt, trim, deranged,  prearms, oracle, legal, capes / space, Timor, agreed, ramps, recite / reiect, repute, teeter, capers / pacers / scrape, caps.


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