Nostradamus C7 Q12: Pyrenees leader organises fuel from Hormuz to end war
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, Jan 2023
C7 Q12 and C9 Q88 earn their place in this series on Causes and Origins
because their themes fit neatly into that presented in the quote alongside
and the other eight verses.
Of particular note in this verse are the the allusions to
human abuse of the Earths resource base and it having an angram for
(us Lestor) in its last
line while the paired verse presents a similar concept
via a reference
to route deterred
in its last line's text.
Reversing that role of anagram and text this verse talks of
assembling the pardoned before the Gods. in the second line of text
while C9 Q88 has adjacent anagrams in its second line for
expiates blame
(e Paix et ſ_embla).
In the current verse the text talks of war and at the same time taps
into the main themes linking this set of ten verses to the quote; the
text of the second line directly gives a place for the Gods in alloting
justice to humans responsible for wars.
choke the life from people in many ways. In modern times fuel is a
commodity that can be used as a weapon and the anagrams provide a
cluster united by their relevance to modern issues of petroleum in the
Middle East.
The anagrams in
this verse show Nostradamus' appreciation of the modern worlds, needs and
sources of supply. It details the strengths
and weaknesses of the
Moorish people around the Gulf of Hormuz and sees a gundealer from the
Pyrenees (Razes) as the agent who brings an end to war by building up fuel
supplies in the surrounding towns. It is also possible that the prophecies
hidden message goes further with the United States finding it
expedient to do the same thing, trading arms and technology for petrol, in
order to ensure its citizens survival.
It is this hazard to our ongoing existence by
activities of our modern resource greedy world that underpins
Nostradamus entries in this verse. The knowledge base that he draws on
has a geographic focus showing which human resources are the most
critical and the part regions of Nostradamus' homeland play in the
scenario of late 21st century depravation.
DATA Section
C7 Q12
The great younger son will make an end of the war, he assembles
the pardoned before the gods; Cahors and Moissac will go far from
the prison, a refusal at Lectoure, the people of Agen shaved.
Le grand puisne fera fin de la guerre Aux dieux aſſemble les
excuses Cahors Moissac iront long de la serre Reffus Lestore
les Agenois razes.
Anagram Sequences in
French Text. (
~ means full line
- <league find fear enLarged
supine><persuading><gundeaLer fines enlarger><a regular fiend refines
and enLarged up> <~pLunderage infuse leading / dealing fear~>
- <blameleSS uxe><usA use excels><sex cAuses><~uxa
SembleS [imitates] else uxA die~>
- <~horMos [Oman] dealers race is as
controling~><~golden laser astrionics [space electronics] reach
Moors~> <golden laser Moorish raCe narcosis><iron Mosaics> oasis
- <razes [S. France] suffeR Less Agonies><seeR
organizes reseAl><Razes regions><fRees fueLs gAsolene store>
Table listing anagram occurrences (1-23) in
Nostradamus' Prophecies
1: controling, organizes, Moorish, gasolene, excuses, 2:
plunderage, mosaics, Hormos, Xmases, suffer, 3: astrionics,
estragole, reinfuse, research, excels, 4: persuading, blameless,
organises, agonies, auxesis, refines, infuse, Moors / rooms, 5:
auxeses, 6: gundealer, erazes, razes, 7: narcosist, excuse,
tussle, 8: organise, aligned / dealing / leading, ignores /
regions, causes, 9: narcosis, chora, find, 10: routeless,
careers, 11: gundeal, league, 12: diex, 13: - 14:
assemble, Daniel / denial, supine, fiend, 15: Horace, career,
16: golden, 17: regales, lined, oasis, 18: solutes,
fuels, seerz, 19: reargue, gales, raze, 20: - 21: -
22: - 23: relose.
Key Ideas:;
controling, organizes, Moorish, gasolene, excuses,
plunderage, mosaics, Hormos, Xmases, suffer, astrionics, estragole,
reinfuse, research, excels, persuading, blameless, organises, agonies,
auxesis, refines, infuse, Moors / rooms, auxeses, gundealer, erazes,
razes, narcosist, excuse, tussle, organise, aligned / dealing / leading,
ignores / regions, causes, narcosis, chora, find, routeless, careers,
gundeal, league, diex, assemble, Daniel / denial, supine, fiend, Horace,
career, golden, regales, lined, oasis, solutes, fuels, seerz, reargue,
gales, raze, relose.