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Nostradamus C7 Q23: Symbols for timescale based on Famous figures.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015


 Nostradamus Centuries 7 Quatrain 23 In this verse the role of ancestors to the new Christ line are respected but the DNA spectrum from which the new saviour is created comes from a range of countries  as indicated by the national names and entities in the anagrams. This verse is again about the symbols Nostradamus uses as a timescale for societal change.


In this verse the role of ancestors to the new Christ line are respected but the DNA spectrum from which the new saviour is created comes from a range of countries  as indicated by the national names and entities in the anagrams.


The anagrams from which the keys to this verse will come include:

1. Contrarian lender pretended respect places
Croatian Royals ancestor  procreates
2. Perseus assures Rousseau creed negating wars entoning Savior ageing seque[n]ces
3. Maternal fear Tamerlane superintend pretend equal foreman equips
4. No invader slays Laplander  as regal class role uuorqs

The Royal scepter will be forced to take
that which his predecessors had pledged.
Because they do not understand about the ring
when they come to sack the palace.
Le Royal ſceptre sera contrainct de prendre
Ce que ſes predeceſſeurs auoient engaige
Puis que l'aneau on fera mal entendre
Lors qu'on viendra le palays ſaccager.

L1: <peters contrarian Scale><reSpects LoyaleR predicant [preaching] ancestor><pedantic Role render Slay /layS><reset placeS on arc> encripted croation

L2:<aging teen><precedes rouSSeaus><SeeS uuars precedes><perSeus SecedeS ursae><Suuears decreeS> negating anti-gene

L3: <suPerintend male fear equal> <foreman><mental fear Pure salique end>pretend equals tamerlane (14thC Persian warlord -fearful invader)

L4: <laplander aSsays cc [200] regal vine><nonvarred quorrels><aS paler invader Slay/ layS>

1: LAPLANDER, CONTRARIAN, SUPERINTEND,  2: CROATION, FOREMAN, PROCREATES, NEGATING, PREDICANT, Rousseaus, suuears, secedes, slays,  3:  ENCRIPTED, MATERNAL, SAUIOUR, PRECEDES,  pedantic,   4: supersede, SECURES,   5: SPECTRAL, ANTIGENE, squalene, ROUSSEAU, DECREES, quips,,    6: RESPECTS, AGING, ROYALS,  7: quorrels, RETRACES, PERSEUS (2x in this verse)  8: TAMERLANE, LOYALER, PLACES, ASSURES, ageing, says,  9: -,  10: AL-GORE, PRETEND (2x in this verse) , CAREERS, CAGE,
11: repeaters, antigen, peeress,
12: nonvaried, requips, uneqal, lament/ mental / mantle, grace, frame, Anael, lays / slay (2x in this verse),
13: equals,
14: equips, uuars,
15: sauior, uuears/ suuear / uuares,
6: retards / traders,
17: -
18: respect / sceptre / spectre, creed,
19: -,
20: ancestor,
21: pressed, lender,
22: -,
23: -

contrarian, Laplander, superintend, procreates, predicant, negating, foreman, Croatian, Rousseau, Perseus, Tamerlane, Al Gore, swears, encripted, secedes, slays, pedantic, maternal, precedes, Saviour, supersede, squalene, secures, decree, respects, aging, royals, places, assures, pretend, careers, equips, wars, ancestor, pressed, creed.


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