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Nostradamus C7 Q25: Nuclear options re-emerge in France and Middle-East during long 21stC war.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

 Nostradamus Centuries 7 Quatrain 25 This verse details the impact of a modern war that destroys the environemt and is so long that the exhausted soldiers cannot be paid except by tokens. Depleted by long wars and in desperation a sect turns to the long- forbidden nuclear option. Their aim is to sell nuclear material that is held in waste storage sites around the world.

The anagrams identify this occurs in a region of great interest to Noostradamus.


The anagram for Durance directs us to the river that influenced his time and the future of ours. He lived in Salon that was serviced by water through a canal that built by Adam Craponne with Ane Ponsard, Nostradamus' wife and he were initial investors.  And  a short way upstream there is a nuclear facility that is attempting to be the first to produce energy by nuclear fusion.


Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:


1. Prague upraise longer tongue outlets re-excite Piraeus
2. Queen pouuer uuorlds warlords Tzar torrents portune counterpouuere
3. Durance deliver reviled neutronic rod a durationless grade environ invader
4. Nigerians unsalted oils increasing descrations censoring oasis scenarios adroitness
Through long war all the army exhausted,
so that they find no money for the soldiers;
instead of gold or silver they coin
Gallic brass & crescent sign of the Moon.
Par guerre longue tout l'exercite expuiſer
Que pour ſouldartz ne trouueront pecune
Lieu d'or d'argent cuir on viendra cuſer
Gualois aerain ſigne croiſſant de Lune.
L1: <~epirus / uprise argue exult gun role to pre-excite~><piraeus urge exult<triumphal joy>rexcite><prague tongue exult excite uprise> to repairs longer upraise persia

L2: <queen counter-pouuer uuarlords tentz><uuorlds tzar><loud tzar pouuers>

L3: <~euil curse countering /recounting invader rad rod~><dour denucleariser granted><crusader environ deuil nonvaried><centurion invader curse> ruction secular regard neutronic deliuer cause sacredrune

L4: <desecrations sign iran oil sea lunge><oasis increasing><oil areas><oil sea nigerians narcosis><adroitness lunge><oil sea scenarios raising><oil scenario raising unsalted sea> ensign stands arsonist genic

3: ENVIRON, CRUSADER, DURATIONLESS, ADROITNESS, epoque, 4: Neuuport, UNSALTED,   5: NECROSIS, RUCTION, Edouard, rouu-one, qneuu,  6: TZAR,  7: NARCOSIST, POROUS, SCENARIOS, DURANCE, SECULAR, STANDS, REGRASP, 9: narcosis,  10: TONGUE,  11: - 12: nonvaried, 13: regard, 14: longer, Prague, rouus,  15: eulogias, oil-usage, arsonist,  16: pouuers, Piraeus / upraise,
17: oasis,
18: portune, outlet, ouuner, cura,
19: ensign, reiect / recite,
20: repairs,
21: queen,
22: -
23: reuile / reliue.

denucleariser, counterpouuer, increasing, neutronic, warlords, Nigerians, raising, desecrations, durationless, censoring, narcosist, adroitness, Worlds, Newport, unsalted, secular, crusader, Durance, porous, environ, scenarios, Prague, tongue, portune.

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