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Nostradamus C7 Q73:.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

This verse lies outside the body of the verses published by Nostradamus and is one of several claimed to have been written by him. It may have been a summary verse that he wrote but found unsatisfactory or it may have no relevance at all.

Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:

 bitumens fore-destine greediest man transfers implant deforesting disagreements
Renfort de sieges manubis et maniples

person changes scale creates rules assure treescape
Changez le sacre et passe sur le prosne

precipitants persistance fits fans arrest else resist peers perils
Prins et captifs n'arreste les prez triples

pulps of far fronds misses leaves portunes autism
Plus par fonds mis esleve mis au trosne
Reinforcement of sieges plunder and maniples
The holy one changed and passes over the sermon
Taken and captives it does not stop the triple meadows
No longer on the bottom, raised, put on the throne.
Renfort de sieges manubis et maniples
Changez le sacre et passe sur le prosne
Prins et captifs n'arreste les prez triples
Plus par fonds mis esleve mis au trosne.

L1: <times of peRrenials disagreements><mages bitumens foRedestine><~foRseen sunbeam is greediest implant~><meant Replies deforesting names/ means> implanterS plenaRies

L2:<preChosen angelz assures peter scale><enoChs angelz><create rules eaCh person pass> <Repulses crones past hang>

L3: <Persistance triplez rest repels><~it transfers pact serPine triplez repels~><antiseptic riPples perzist><aspect fit sin riPples><pact refrains><fans precipitants Perils> pittances

L4: <dimness of norse uPpsalr (anc city Norway) elves><~Popularness of timaeus (dialogue by Plato speculating on the nature of the physical world and human beings) minds vessel~><Portunes aims elves missed><pauls reassumPtion for elves minds>

1: precipitants, deforesting, fore-destine, greediest, triplez, sunbeam,
2: planeteriems, perennials, prechosen, bitumens, ambients, transfers, angelz,
3: disagreements, antiseptic, persistance, implanters, implant,
4: changez,
5: reinspects, pittances, refrains, repulser, presetz,
6: zeals,
7: repulses, chosen / Enochs,
8: treescape, fronted, assures, create, games, gems,
9: repulse, triple,
10: scandal, trials / trails,
11: direst,
12: plenaries, Ferron,
13: enspiral, forseen, aspect / epacts,
14: resplit / triples,
15: storied, sieges, bites,
16: creates,
17: latins, argued, uuax,
18: mates / teams,
19: daunt,
20: inmates, 
21: rezt,
22: passes, 
23: -.

Key Ideas:

precipitants, deforesting, fore-destine, greediest, triplez, sunbeam,planeteriems, perennials, prechosen, bitumens, ambients, transfers, angelz, disagreements, antiseptic, persistance, implanters, implant, changez, reinspects, pittances, refrains, repulser, presetz, zeals,repulses, Enochs,treescape, fronted, assures, create, games, gems, repulse, triple, scandal, trials, direst, plenaries, Ferron,
enspiral, forseen, aspect, triples, storied, sieges, bites, creates, latins, argued, wax, daunt, inmates.  

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