Nostradamus C8 Q04: Radiation affects European airports on dates named in N's hidden calendar.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015
This verse is one of several where Nostradamus uses the image of fire from
the sky striking the earth as markers for verses containing the goals for
his prophecies.
This theme is developed in more detail in my paper called
Apophis. The
aspect delivered by this particular verse is the agent of change but it
also provides support for the radiation hazards destined to affect
airports later in this century.
The biological impact to be expected
is that from arsenides acting on
amino radicles.
In the text the metaphors
appropriately mirror the concepts raised in the anagrams. The cock,
a land based bird, will become dominant while the eagle weakens
reflects the realities of travel when airlines are under threat.
There is also a relevance to the the leech omens in the Norse Edda
stories of the great flood which gives a basis for placingthis verse's
story in the era of the late 21st century.
Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:
1. Coqs era reduced leech demands Eddan omens
sadden 2. Ape fled airports arcane radicle radiance appreciators 3. Roman Orion polar goal cue amino arsenide
increased 4. Galilee a core co-feature of
less-foilable quatrains
C8 Q04
The cock will be received into Monaco, the Cardinal of
France will appear; He will be deceived by the Roman legation;
weakness to eagle strength born to the coq.
Dedans Monech le coq ſera receu Le Cardinal de France apparoiſtra
Par Logarion Romain ſera deceu Foibleſſe a l'aigle et force au coq
Anagram Sequences in
French Text. ( ~ means full line
<~rare cue cocqheelS oMen saDden~><~Deduce
Man's cocqheelS once rare~ ><once DeMands><~eraS cocqheel oMen
unDecreased~><daeMons careerS Due>