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Nostradamus C8 Q38: Arab invaders change French funerary rules as vast floods cover European lands.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015


 Nostradamus Centuries 8 Quatrain 38 In the 22nd century the landscape looks greatly different to the world. Rising sea levels drive  a king of Blois to leave his now drowned land and claim higher ground around Avignon as the capital of the new kingdom. The path of moon and bear revert to the Ur EpochIn the 22nd century the landscape looks greatly different to the world we know.

Rising sea levels drive  a king of Blois to leave his now drowned land and claim higher ground around Avignon as the capital of the new kingdom


It is the start of the era  when the path of the stars reverts back to that of the time of Ur.


Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:

1. Synodal days bloodier  unreasoning saving Norn gene orderly role
2. Eventual nature of sleepy omen Moon Pole loop
3. Norse lands roles Eddan person remap Urs safer Bear reign
4. Olden casque uuacqes Jules elder cqin denier respire
The King of Blois will reign in Avignon,
once again the people covered in blood.
In the Rhone he will make swim
near the walls up to five, the last one near Nolle
Le Roy de Bloys dans Auignon regner
Vne autre foys le peuple emonopole
Dedans le Rosne par murs fera baigner
Juſques a cinq le dernier pres de Nolle.
L1: <no orderly genre sauing><days ansu bodley role><unreasoning bloodyer days> synodal negro norn yod nasa deroye sandy boyle

L2: <nature foe><of a true omen envelop><moon pole> sleepy eventual feature true avenue even of omen peleus sleep loop venulae love notevalue enloop funerate

L3: <giba remap norse lands><edda regain furs bear><fear dead person><aeroplanes bargain ends><persian arab> gienab reading gender dread arabfigures sadden bargained reign bearing numerals deranged slandered fabre fraser redden

L4: <jules linqed olden cause><in elder quacqiness>lincq jesu cqin reprised seljuq(turks) caiques casques sacques respire cause endorse pierre linqed iacques respired sqeuus

1: ARAB-FIGURES, UNREASONING, BARGAIN, quacqiness, bloodyer, orderly, envelop, seljuq, linqed,SLEEPY, 2:CASQUES, sacques, lincq,LINCQ, giba, 3: EVENTUAL, BEARING, foyers, lenq, 4: bargained, bodleys, caiques, iacques, giuanas, bodley, ENLOOP, GIENAB, , gienab, sandy, 5: reigned, JULES, 6: SLANDERS, SYNODAL, DAYS, Boyle, fabre, 7: RESPIRED, REGAINED, 8: FEATURE, REDDEN, AVENUE, redden,
9: deroye, fraser, loop, pool,
10: casque, sacque,
11: -
12: -
13: deranged,
14: -
15: sauing, furs,
16: dorleans, endorse, love,
17: bled,
18: spender, losers,
19: moon, elven, jeus, jesu,
20: respire, nasau,
21: lender, pierre,
22: cqin, incq, arum, mura,
23: -

unreasoning, Arab-figures, bloodier, bargain, orderly, loop, linked, dead, person, Jules, eventual, casque, bearing, funerate, sleepy, iguanas, synodal, link, deranged, d'Orleans, endorse, avenue, days, moon, bled.

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