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Nostradamus C8 Q54: Local member of N's sect quietens malice intended to hurt the prophet.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

INostradamus Prophecies Centuries 8 Quatrain 54 Henry Lines Decharny arranged-cyphern this quatrein Nostradamus focus is on the 16thC. It is a prophecy intended to sate his patrons desire for results and thus ensure funding and support for his prophecies of the distant future.

Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:

1.  Zobuls local gematria matrice dictature ruled cypher-arranged
2. Fatima imaginant naming meaning epigram enrich Henry's line
3. Voyuz in an inquirant age equating a scarcer rouu
4. Iceland Odin-sect notices endemical apes gain Filazo long fiats 
Under the color of the marriage treaty,
a magnanimous act by the Chyren Selin
St. Quintin and Arras recovered on the journey;
By the Spanish a second butcher's bench is made.
Soubz la colleur du traicte mariage
Fait magnanime par grand Chyren Selin
Quintin Arras recouurez au voyage
D'Eſpaignolz fait ſecond banc macelin
L1: < matrice><local rule dictature>urdu(vedic) gematria mariae amirate micturated marie metricateuuord duller aegis dreuu

L2: <faint lines naming decharny><meaning fatima><an epigram taming finale><imaginant henry false> cypher-arranged rampager endarchy minna finial henrys permian cypherarranged

L3: <yov equating r iran azure source><crouu raze><azure voyager source> quintin equating inquinate quieting unit nationacquires uuarzone vau quinte coarse score quintain inquirant

L4: aconites iceland second silenced once spindle came on band section fails long line gains azolfi(al sufi) declines azif(howling demon) dnoces fasti bad odin-sect malice endemical camel odinsect
1: cypher-arranged, micturated, imaginant, dictature, quieting, rampager, spindle, Azolfi, naming, Fatima,
2: endemical, aconites, gematria, epigram, Iceland, meaning, amirate,
3: odin-sect, lozing, taming, finial,
4: equating,
5: de Charny / endarchy, Quintin, matrice, Henrys (2x), uuorze, local,
6: decline, enrych, malice, Minna,
7: Henry,
8: inquirant, declines, silenced, Neiman, bond, azure, Urdu, goes,
9: inquinate, quintain,
10: Arras, bad,
11: -
12: fiats,
13: notices / section, crouu, Maria, zub,
14: -
15: aria,
16: finale, spade, yov,
17: lined, aegis,
18: final, spend,
19: raze,
20: Vau,
21: elfin,
22: agrise, faint, camel,
23: -

cypher-arranged, micturated, imaginant, dictature, quieting, rampager, spindle, Azolfi, naming, Fatima, endemical, aconites, gematria, epigram, Iceland, meaning, amirate, Odin-sect, lozing, taming, finial, equating, de Charny / endarchy, Quintin, matrice, Henrys , worse, local, decline, enrych, malice, Minna, inquirant, declines / silenced, Neiman, bond, azure, Urdu, goes, inquinate, quintain, Arras, bad, fiats, notices / section, crouu, Maria, aria, finale, spade, yov, lined, aegis, final, spend, raze, Vau, elfin, faint, camel.


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