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Nostradamus C8 Q58: Two Middle Eastern kingdoms bring chemical war to Britain & France
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, 2023

List of verses in Superape seriesThe predominant themes in the anagrams for this verse are a savage war and the use of chemical warfare. Supplying the basis for my claim of chemical war are anagrams such as elements (mes et le n), aerial (er a l'ai), bromine (e nom Bri), liqueurs (lique Sur), smelter (rmes et l), molten (t le nom), brominate (e nom Brita), arsenic (ican ſer) and residue (eres diu).

Epistle quote for two children Barren Lady Daughter two brothersThe theme of brutal war rests on the name Tamerlane (t mener a l'a) whose invasion of Persia in the fourteenth century was notable for the pyramids of heads he left behind as he slaughtered those he conquered.

The anagrams for Saracen dart realign Saudi title ( eTilt_re Angli_can ſera _ tard_ aduiſ)  use all letters in the line forming a chain of adjacent words.

Nostradamus verse C8 Q58 Bitish Royal Brothers quarrel against Saracen ElementsIn so doing they imply that the people of the lands once ravaged by Tamerlane are the ones engaging in the war against the United Kingdom and France . It also implies they do so as a united front.

The first line of text refers to two quarrelling brothers that divide the kingdom. This division is amplified by anagrams for sectarian (ican ſera ta) and dualities (aduiſe Til) in the third line. The gestalt of the text and anagrams suggests that two dire sects combine forces for an attack upon religious communities of the West.

There are many ties in this narrative to that given in the quote from Nostradamus' 1558 Epistle on the children of the once-barren Lady's daughter. The reference to the band between 50 and 52 degrees corresponds with the political centres of  the United Kingdom, Belgium and Ukraine.

The parallels between text and anagrams of C3 Q98 and this verse are the reasons I have paired them in the two brothers series.

A kingdom divided by two quarreling brothers
to take the arms and the name of Britain.
The Anglican title will be advised to watch out,
surprised by night ( the other is ), led to the French
Regne en querelle aux freres diuiſe
Prendre les armes et le nom Britannique
Tiltre Anglican ſera tard aduiſe
Surprins de nuict mener a l'air Gallique
L1: <queen enerGise / diuerse refuxal><uxa queer ell refers><queen flexural residue gene RiSe>

L2: <elder loBstermen smear quintain (object on a post)><leaders / dealers preen quintain elements><smelter reseal Bromine><inquirant moB elements slanderer><see molten realms equiP slanderer><nn equiP Brominate>inquinate (corrupt)

L3: <~Saracen dualiTies relAting dart~><narrateS lAcerating dualiTieS><dart reAlign Saudi Title><neuTrAlitieS add Scaling rate><a lacerating dart uTiliSed><narrateS a Angelic><Sectarian /aScertain Angel><uTiliSed triAngle><cleanSing liTerAte><cleAring Title><Altering duTies>eTernAliSt iadeuS arSenic

L4: <tamerlane (brutal Tatar conqueror) induces><real inducements in uSurper era><uninspired quill> <purSue dinners><ill qreuuS rename a Grail><liquerS uninspired a leaner Grail><intumescent (swells on heating) aerial>
1: inducements, cleansing, dualities, utilised, scaling, usurper,
2: neutralities, brominate, flexural, clearing, literate, utilise, energise / resignee,
3: intumesced, uninspired, lobstermen, ascertain, sectarian, liqueurs, bromine, angelic, undines, cling, Iesuit,
4: lacerating, elements, narrates,
5: eternalist, slanderer, Creatans, flexura, titles, tilt,
6: litter, Iadeus, pursue, Saudi, title,
7: retitles, Raelian, Saracen, ,
8: inquirant, Tamerlane, qreuus / sqreuu, queller, purrs, duad,
9: inquinate, quintain, alerting / altering / relating / triangle, smelter, gall,
10: cement, reneges,
11: quintan, induces, re-equip, lenders / slender,
12: arsenic,
13: realign, molten, Antares,
14: reliant, Grail, reside,
15: duties / suited,
16: deriues / residue, quill, rinsed,
17: align, aerial, add,
18: -
19: Astrea, rename,
20: -
21: lender, queen,
22: -
23: alia.

inducements, utilised, cleansing, dualities, usurper, scaling, flexural, neutralities, clearing, literate, energise, intumesced, brominate, aerial, bromine, elements, uninspired, lobstermen, ascertain, sectarian, angelic, liqueurs, lacerating, Iesuit, eternalist, narrates, slanderer, pursue, Saudi, title, Tamerlane, Saracen, inquinate, duad, altering, smelter, cement, add, Grail, molten, arsenic, residue, quill, reliant, queen, align, lender, duties.

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