Nostradamus C8 Q81:
Dnieper river as location for desolation of Russia Belarus and Ukraine
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015 ,Feb 2023
The location for this verse is quite specific as a result of both the text
and the anagrams.
It involves the Dneiper River flowing from
north-west Russia, through Belarus and Ukraine to the Black Sea. In doing
so it flows past what is now the concrete tomb of the failed Chernobyl
reactor. The anagrams reveal medical terms related to birth and illnesses
of the throat and reproduction which are consistent with radiation
verse is an important contributor to many of Nostradamus story lines. In
this role of contributor it is part of the two brother series and acts
as the pairing element for C2 Q95. That verse's text mentions the
brothers at a time that is decribed in a similar way to that of
the current verse. C8 Q81 is the only verse in this series that has a
strong , large cluster of anagrams. This fits with its need to
contribute to several themes.
However it has an indirect connection to the brothers via their mother,
the once barren Lady. In the above quote which is part of series
about the wars within her empire it uses the term desolation. Tha word
appears twice in this verse once in the text and once as an anagram but
nowhere else in his work.
is also a cipher for emotions in this verse which makes it one of the leading
headers for many of the stories told in Nostradamus' Prophecies.
There are other anagrams that tie these events into a later
period at about the time of the fire from the sky. (See my papers for
Events and
Fire from the
Sky for more.)
The word desolation occurs correctly as defolation in the first
line of the French text and
as the English word desolation
(otion De la S) in the anagrams of the third line.
Conversely the English
anagrams of defolation are deflation or defoliant both of which fit to the
concept of great trouble that is the focus of the third line of text. So despite
the different spelling across the two languages the context of each
occurrence reinforces the presence of the other.
There are many anagrams tying this to the begotten status of Jesus
theme. These include Lordsname
(ndra l'eſmo), foetal (efolat), research
(re Sera ch) and
mortalised (dra l'eſmoti). Also in
the anagrams is one for elations which becomes the emotion Nostradamus
chose to describe the impact in his mind at the time this vision was
first experienced.
DATA section
C8 Q81
The new empire in desolation will be changed from the Northern
Pole. From Sicily will come such trouble that it will bother
the enterprise tributary to Philip.
Le neuf empire en defolation Sera change du pole aquilonaire
De la Sicile viendra l'eſmotion Troubler l'emprise a Philip
Anagram Sequences in
French Text.
( ~ means full line
- <fume predefine><dnieper (Nth Eur river)
fume><enfold prime elation><no deflation / defoliant enfueL><~foetal
need prime ion enfueL~>
- <poundage (tax on export/import) equal iran oil
Search><careerS hang> <agen reSearch><lion ariEs achenar
(star in
Eridanus -river)><aSchere (Sirius star)>< aSchera (main belt
asteroid)><~archerieS equal a lion poundage~><archange
reacheS>archaean (geologic age)
- <civiliSe a mortaliSed olDen end><~olDen
civiliSe learned omitS~> <civiliSe leaD
into lordSname><~icelanDS toilSome evil rained~><maleS
Desolation><invader ion moleSt iDealS><ci evil emotionS
iDealS learned>
- <simpler bluer heap rout><prime shape><but
air trip Phial Trouble empires><~Perispermal (embryo nutrition layer)
philitri airtube Trouble~>sePhira
Table listing anagram occurrences (1-23) in
Nostradamus' Prophecies
1: desolation, deflation / defoliant, toilsome, poundage, predefine,
archeries, 2: demotions, civilise, Dnieper, 3: perispermal,
mortalised, tributari, Aquilino, Icelands, atribute, changed,
Philip, Iolande, research, Arachne / archean / Achenar, foetal,
4: Sephira, enfold, phial, float, 5: motions, airtube,
6: emotions, elation, molest, enfuel, phase, shape, 7: simpler,
leonine, lineone, 8: Lordsname, mortalise, 9: Aschere,
reaches, salic, 10: alienor, anarch, Salome, careers, easier,
11: motion, fume, 12: Aschera, 13: - 14: online,
moist, omits, abut, 15: - 16: - 17: bluer, ruble, most,
18: heap, but, 19: Pamiers, empires / premise, primes,
repine, 20: ideals, rioter, 21: rouble, omit, hip, 22:
foal, Iona. 23: -
Key Ideas:
desolation, deflation, defoliant, toilsome, poundage,
predefine, archeries, demotions, civilise, Dnieper, perispermal, mortalised,
tributari, Aquilino, Icelands, atribute, changed, Philip, Iolande, research,
Achenar, foetal, Sephira, enfold, phial, float, motions, airtube, emotions,
elation, molest, enfuel, phase, shape, simpler, leonine, Lordsname, mortalise,
Aschere, reaches, Salic, alienor, anarch, Salome, careers, easier, motion,
fume, Aschera, online, omits, abut, ruble, most, heap, but, Pamiers, premise,
primes, repine, ideals, rioter,rouble, omit, hip, foal, Iona.