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Nostradamus C9 Q02: Corruption is found in Rome's atomic waste contracts.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

Nostradamus' verses although not written in absolute date order do show a progression through the centuries from the year 16th century to well into the fourth millennium. This verse belongs with those telling of turmoil in the 22ndC. The theme that emerges from this verse is part of the tale about many cities whose nuclear waste material is exploited. In this instance it is a by-product of Corruption involving the Mayoress of Rome. Its content is also used to develop complex code relationships.

Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:

1. Adult unite vixion amount you had hued
2. U-V-Y-ZED u-v-y-zed  loudest used excludes o-to-s
3. Israel moralises earlier Mayoress regularises dangerous Dragoness
4. Normal-proactinium locator micro-manipulator abodement razed
From the Aventine hill top a voice heard,
Be gone, be gone all of you on both sides
The anger is appeased by blood of the red ones
From Rimini and Prato, the Colonna expelled
Du hault du mont Auentin voix ouye
Vuydez vuydez de tous les deux coſtez
Du sang des rouges ſera l'ire aſſomye
D'Arimin Prato Columna de botez
L1: <you due ix><invent amount><unite at mound> uhu hud adult attune unatone

L2: deuuless uxed soul xucode uxcode excused vuuxy uuxy us duty excludes cost loudest zest solutes

L3: <so realises used my dangerous><earlier guess><grand ourse><guardedness so israel are my>< israel>rogues androgeus guerdons largesse moralises salaries israels aerial dragoness angus ariel moyse(moses) dangers mayoress sandgrouse

L4: <to a column><named meridianz cool part><to daze> azoted bedamn damn umbonated patron normal-proactinium abodement micromanipulator demountable zemindari(tax collection) locator proamniotic abdomen benzoated adobe monluc razed actor normalproactinium
1: normalproactinium, micromanipulator, proamniotic, guardedness, regularises, umbonated, meridianz, zemindari, benzoated, locator, column, monluc, azoted,
2: demountable, abodement, moralises, deuuless,
3: androgeus, dangerous, dragoness, abdomen, adobe,
4: sandgrouse, guerdons, bedamn, mossy, datez,
5: loudest, daze, adze, uvy,
6: mayoress, moyse, razed,
7: excludes, aerials,
8: xucode, uxcode, invent, radim, guess,
9: earlier, croat, actor, cato,
10: egress, cool,
11: salaries, largesse, amount, hud,
12: dregs,
13: realises, attune,
14: zest,
15: -
16: mount,
17: israels, adult, aerial,
18: excused, solutes,
19: -
20: mound, you,
21: ousted,
22: solute, outed,
23: sudan,

Normal-proactinium, micromanipulator, proamniotic, demountable, guardedness, regularises, meridians, abodement, moralises, dangerous, Dragoness, locator, column, excludes, abdomen, realises, Mayoress, bedamn, largesse, salaries, invent, earlier, amount, Irsaels, actor, excused.

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