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Nostradamus C9 Q22: A military conspiracy leads to war over Christ-gene.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015


 Nostradamus Centuries 9 Quatrain 22  d'Albret court convinced by a cunning cunning to use high tech weapons against its rivalsThis verse has anagrammatic links with C6 Q21 through its reference to gundealers. This particular verse holds two instances of gundeal as well as one for gundealer. This military aspect is increased within the current verse through anagrams, for blade, palisade, trooping, battle-name and epaulet.

And these two verses share other anagrams that are similes of each other. This includes the anagram for coast which can be linked to that of shores and Seafronts.

But there is also an anagram for 'herbal' which unites this verse to C9 Q78 and provides another link in the Christ-gene stream all of which was built around the innocuous roots of 'urea gene' and 'uta gene'.

The anagrams giving a frame to this verse include:

1. Boreal hue yet our autocrats cast evil ritual gundeal elude
2. Eddan temples evils deadliness via Paul Davis detailedness
3. d'Albret tabled rotten date meant Metatron lands induced
4. Isabella adoring Metatron epaulet meant  proton gundealer  estimable 
King & court in place of cunning tongues
Within the temple facing the palace
In the garden the Duke of Mantua and Alba,
Alba and Mantua dagger tongue and palace.
Roy et ſa court au lieu de langue halbe
Dedans le temple vis a vis du palais
Dans le jardin Duc de Mantor et d'Albe
Albe et Mantor poignard langue et palais.
  1. <yet huge boReal cauSator uuield elan><autocratS uuield><uuide angle ritual Robe heal yeaSt> <uital heRbal elude our Socaety> gundeal
  2. <lands palisaDe meet / teem> <~plauds evils via temples iDeas> <alias saDden temple> <lands iDeals meet via pelvis> Deadliness Dilatedness
  3. <no'tredaMe induced jera belated landS><Metatron inDuced lanDs blAde> <~jeradi counterManDed tAbled lanDs~> <Danes inDuced to d'Albret Man> <rotAted blaDe naMed> <Addable lanes Made rotten>
  4. <~garlanding troop Meant aLias be petulae / epaulet (soldier)~><Asia epaulet torMentable> <Metatron be Alias> <Meant poor grainland> <Meant Isabella grand portion> <estiMAble a gundealer gain proton> <girona patron meet> orpington (London) trooping tAbleMent uta-gene

1: counter-manded, tormentable, Orpington, battle-name, grain-land, autocrats, palisaded, trooping, causator, abetment, induced, yeast, huge,
2: garlanding, dilatedness, estimable, Isabella, addable, epaulet, obeyer,
3: detailedness, tablement, palisade, portion, d'Albret, rotated, belated, herbal, undid,
4: Notredame, plaud,
5: darling, octaues, dials,
6: deadliness, gundealer, adoring, Tarento, tabled, Blaise/ Isabel, belate,
7: Metatron, Metatron, ritual, aviles,
8: boreal,
9: troop, uuart, Jera, uta-gene
10: uuield, poor,
11: gundeal, gundeal, sided,
12: Girona, coast,
13: -
14: Troyes, court, visa,
15: united,
16: proton,
17: saddens, bled,
18: leanest, blade, Eddas,
19: brand, errant,
20: pelmets / stempel / temples, stemple, ideals,
21: plate / petal, alias, alias, aides / ideas,
22: erotic, master, stream,
23: alia, alia, Asia,

counter-manded, tormentable, Orpington, battle-name, grain-land, autocrats, palisaded, trooping, causator, abetment, induced, yeast, huge, garlanding, dilatedness, estimable, Isabella, addable, epaulet, obeyer,detailedness, tablement, palisade, portion, d'Albret, rotated, belated, herbal, undid, Notredame, plaud, darling, octaues, dials, deadliness, gundealer, adoring, Tarento, tabled, Blaise/ Isabel, belate, Metatron, ritual, aviles, boreal, troop, wart, Jera, uta-gene, wield, poor, gundeal, sided, Girona, coast, oracles, bleed, breed,Troyes, court, visa, united, proton, saddens, bled, leanest, blade, Eddas, brand, errant, temples, ideals, petal, alias, ideas, erotic, master, Asia.


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