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Nostradamus C9 Q36: Aged are encouraged to believe that dangerous operations offer eternal life
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, Mar 2023

TheThree Brother verse series in Nostradamus' PropheciesThe first line of text takes on a different sinister meaning when read as the action of an older man who chooses the hands of a young man to replace his own diseased limbs. Anagrams such as cousin (uĊżion c) and  corpulent (p cultre No) support this interpretation while the rest of the text can be taken as descriptions of the operation itself and the technology employed to fuse the limbs to the arms of the recipient.

The main reasons for pairing this verse with C2 Q34  is the story of duelling brothers in the text of that verse.  Now duelling brothers who can equally be part of a two or more brother. and a three brother story line without any discrepancy. But choice to include them both in this series is made easier because of the consistent contributions to ongoing story lines by the anagrams within each. That aspect of conjoined story lines is a prominent part of the current verse since  the fourth line says When three brothers wound each other & murder.

There are other other elements in the text that help in identifying  the time and place where these events take place. For instance Easter not only suggests a time but a region. That term also carries the tone of a religious feud being the cause of the attempts to harm or eliminate the other members of the trio.

Nostradamus' verse C9 Q36 3 bros Wound Murder Cousin Lion Sefirot QuestBut the angrams as usual play important roles. Dnypro (nd Roy p) for instance places the action on northern lands since the Dnypro River  [aka Dnieper] runs through countries such as Poland, Belarus and Ukraine. These nations are mentioned many times in Nostradamus' Prophecies and accompanying documents. They are part of a group of regions that make up the ancient zone  named Pannonia which is a name used on many occasions in Nostradamus' texts.And of course they are a group of nations vital to the story of the 2020s.

A great King taken by the hands of a young man,
Not far from Easter confusion knife thrust
Everlasting captive times what lightning on the top
When three brothers will wound each other and murder.
Vn grand Roy prins entre les mains d'vn Joyne
Non loing de Paſque confuſion coup cultre
Perpet captifs temps que fouldre en la huſne
Lors que trois freres ſe bleſſeront et murtre.
L1: <grand envoy streamlines pensionry><males sin resent> dnyapr enjoy divans radon eternalism dory dragonry relents envy steamliner milanese aim priory spinner iames seminal masniel sinner sameline ordnary

L2: <deign no corpulent oil><once pasque doing cult coup fusion> confuse colopuncture cousin none puccoon sacque scion sufi coins paques noodling cup

L3: <foulques learned><pens carpet enflouuerel><capet fits> foul chateaulerennes peneus precept louder flouued fouled learned helena peter unleash d

L4: <seer blesses sefirot truer torment><quest roles refer><norse mutter> route rotten ferries forties questor fires riots lesser refers
1: colopuncture, pensionry, puccoon, flouued, precept, priory,
2: corpulent, foulques, dnyapro, divans, Helena,
3: streamlines, unleash, enjoy,
4: envoy,
5: confuse, questor, spinner, fouled, blesses, ferries,
6: eternalism, steamliner, streamline, fusion, mutter, sinner, peneus,
7: quorrels, intenser,
8: envy,
9: smelter, pasque, paques, quest,
10: noodling, casque, sacque, cult,
11: Milanese, cousin, graven, joy,
12: forties, sefirot,
13: nonoil, hauls,
14: essbel, gvern, foul,
15: torment, carpet, sufi,
16: spade,
17: dragonry, ordnary,
18: ounce,
19: rondy,
20: fires,
21: sfirot, lender,
22: bless,
23: masniel, seminal, doing,

pensionry, streamlines, corpulent, colopuncture, eternalism, flowed, Dnyapro, precept, noodling, priory, divans, unleash, questor, confuse, dragonry, Helena, spinner, fouled, blesses, ferries intenser, fusion, sinner, mutter, Milanese, envoy, enjoy, cousin, joy, graven, hauls, torment, forties, casque, foul, dragonry, cult, envy, fires, Sifi, bless, carpet, seminal, doing.


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