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Nostradamus C9 Q53: Religious ideas based on virgin birth lead to heroic wars.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015


 Nostradamus Centuries 9 Quatrain 53 This verse describes the death of three generations of the Jesus line that are put to death by burning because they are clones. This verse describes the death of three generations of the Jesus line that are put to death by burning because they are clones and therefore born without male intercourse (agennos).


The tone of the text is of old events used to reflect on a terrible reign to come. The angrams make its story both religious and modern.



Anagrams resolving the meaning of this verse include:

1. In june lands isothermic thermionics seen; Christos enemies unrelatedness
2. Refer feared ape visage if uproarz gives tiger regret
3. UUhere-X (Christ) religions related  men see regionalised elementz 
4. Angels forment agennoss as tormentor free gutter distorter
The young Nero in the three chimneys
Will cause live pages to be thrown to burn
Happy those  far away from such practices
Three of his blood have him ambushed to death.
Le Neron jeune dans les trois cheminees
Fera de paiges vifz pour ardoir getter
Heureux qui loing ſera de telz menees
Trois de ſon ſang le feront mort guetter.
L1: <cristos enemies><rene d'anjou><june end><and less thermionics><isothermic seen><lands stories> hectorism theorics unrelatedness enemies heroics closters chime semein iosech selene choirs christos

L2: <page-five-is read><if visage><gives feared><refer radio> fetter ardour uproar tiger aegis parade fiveis

L3: <religions elated><dangers uuhere quix oil><reads elementz> redesignate readings redsea organised losing trade date regions dearest altered legions

L4: <terrorised sons><so englands rotter><feel morgue torn> not more tormentor fomenter gourmet gutter isodose formentor rioters

1: CHRISTOS, RELIGIONS, UNRELATEDNESS ISOTHERMIC, THERMIONICS, hectorism, gourmet, gutter,  2: REDESIGNATE, SEIGNORIAL, VISAGE, GIVES, REGIONALISED,  3: DISTORTER, theorics, choirs,  4: TORMENTOR, inscheme,  radio,   5: FETTER, FORMENTOR, ARDOUR.  6: ENEMIES,    7: ORGANISED, AGENNOSS. HEROICS,  fomenter, heroics,  8: PARADE, organise, fermont, forment, ignores, regions,  9: RELOSING,  10, ROTTER,  11. UUHERE,  12: DEAREST,  13: TIGER, ALTERED /RELATED, chime,
14: -
15: storied, selene,
16: -
17: rioters, reigns, resign, singer, aegis,
18: elated, slang, giro,
19: grades,
20: rioter,
21: sides, june,
22: -
23: -

Christos enemies, regionalised, isothermic, thermionics, unrelatedness, Hectorism, redesignate, religions, elementz, distorter, organised, tormentor, theorics, agennoss, visage, inscheme, heroics,  altered, dearest, parade, where, rioters, sides, legions, elated, angels.


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