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Nostradamus C9 Q54: The oceans polluted by chemicals sold by an unscrupulous company
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, Feb2023


List of verses in Barren Lady life seriesBarren Lady's daughter & childrenProminent in the later stories in the 1558 Henry Epistle  is that of a woman and her family.


She is introduced as the Great Dame / Lady who has been barren for a long time. Her children comprising three sons and a daughter all have an important role with the middle son and the daughter being the most notable. Each is involved with royal families in different countries but as noted in the quote although they share the same mother none of them have the same father.


Each member of this family will contribute major parts to the story line but the mother has a long history. So to cover that part of it leading up to the children's birth is critical since it embraces the story of most importance to Nostradamus, namely that of the 21st-22nd century Christ clone line.

Since this verse omits the word 'great' from the Lady's title it is quite likely the lady referred to is the daughter.

The daughter's role begins as the guinea pig / puppet exploited by those who see her genome as important for the successful attainment of their goals.


The text  of the second line makes it clear that a lady is the subject of abuse in a sea side setting.


Nostradamus Verse C9 Q54 Barren Lady Plunder delegation directors delegate proof There is a corporate theme in the anagrams of this verse as well as terms implying the directors (rt de Corſi) and creditors of that group have an interest in genetic experimentation.


A feature of the text is that two of the cities named by Nostradamus are obscurely spelled so I leave them as written by him. This is quite common throughout the prophecies and it is this constant deliberate act that indicates the  lettering may have been chosen to make his code method work.

These attributes when compared to those in nearby verses such as C9 Q52 now looks to be a well-fitting piece in a larger scheme involving a sect that pollutes the oceans while conducting genetic eperiments.


From the contents of this verse a background story to the daughter's experiences is given crucial cornerstones.

There will arrive at Porto Corsini,
Near Ravenna, he who will plunder the lady:
In the deep sea legate from Lisbon,
Hidden under a rock they will carry off seventy souls.
Arriuera au port de Corſibonne
Pres de Rauenne qui pillera la dame
En mer profonde legat de la Vlisbonne
Souz roc cachez rauiront ſeptante ames.

  1. <bonne CreditorS / direCtorS auuare po><Arriue area pour>
  2. <PremeasuRed enn ill equip><Redsea unequine [not a horse] pill><a real unequine pill Premade>
  3. <olden bonne delegate perform /preform Vials><legend date proof><~bonnes deal profer men elongated Vial~>
  4. <reputationS meant><moSes crocuz archez eruptionS><portentS emanate><nitrouS patent> <patentS urinator> proteinS /pointerS
1: premeasured, illequip, unequine, delegate, crocuz, perform / preform,
2: reputations, elongated, creditors / directors / recordist, Serbonian, Bonnes,
3: Lisbon,
4: eruptions, urinator, nitrous, enfold, archez, bonns, vials,
5: unearned, emanate, auuare,
6: portents, undersea, premade, profer,
7: -
8: Patterson, patents, azure,
9: -,
10: persuader, patent, Blois, Sibl,
11: pointers / proteins, routines, legend, legate,
12: readers,
13: Moses, ribs,
14: Bonne (2x),
15: -
16: -
17: arriue, eagle, Adam,
18: -
19: Amperes, raze,
20: proof,
21: deport, coders / scored,
22: -
23: -

premeasured, illequip, unequine, delegate, crocuz, perform, reputations, elongated, creditors / directors, Serbonian, Bonnes, Lisbon, eruptions, urinator, nitrous, enfold, archez, vials, unearned, emanate, aware, portents, undersea, premade, profer, Patterson, patents, azure, persuader, patent, Blois, Sibl, pointers, routines, legend, legate, readers,  arriue, eagle, Adam, Amperes, raze, proof, deport, coders / scored.


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