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Nostradamus C9 Q64: An invader launches a campaign against Europes modern ways.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015


 Nostradamus Centuries 9 Quatrain 64 The text tells the story  of a leader born in Macedonia coming as an invader into the flooded landscape of S France. In the anagrams Theomania (Aemathion)  meaning the Spirit of God resonates with the Jesus-clone stories  The text of this verse directly states the story found in the anagrams of many verses in which a leader born in Macedonia comes as an invader into the flooded landscape of Southern France and fights the local warlords.


In the anagrams Theomania (Aemathion) meaning the Spirit of God resonates with the Jesus-clone stories while ' Europe senatorship' and 'misanthrope's suggests that despite being a foreigner he gains political support by those who oppose man's modern ways.


Anagrams giving meaning tof this verse include:

1. Theomania seen as Senatorship passion;
               Aristophanes misanthropes male  monzters on pyres
2; Bonne sectarians rename Barons man  fear sister ascertains ancestries menace
3. Remap meter refer safer readings misarranged dreamings ape men refigerated
4. Europes cancer re-empouuered any-acceptant see Tanya demurer pouuers teeter

The Macedonian to pass Pyrenees mountains,
In March Narbonne won't offer resistance
By land & sea carries on a very great intrigue
Cape has no land safe for residence.

L'Aemathion paſſer montz Pyrennees
En Mars Narbonne fera reſiſtance
Par mer et terre fera ſi grand menee
Cap n'ayant terre ſeure pour demeurance.
L1: <misanthropes not a male seen><pyrmontz lame aristophanes(400bc><plyrt) seen><a male senatorship><more passion><melanpathia sermons seen> zeptyr emathion aspersion haematoin theomania pyre ainsoph iohn aristophanes monster samael personas me

L2: <fear sister><name born> barons ancestries none raises sectarians rare menace antics ascent rarefies saints ascertains bonne

L3: <misarranged penetrameters(universal><time) refer><tamperer refrigerates named><safer meandering> disarrange midrange granaries rarefies damn manned fear named arraigns dreaming teeter prearm

L4: <runa reempouuered>< reuse cancer pan>any-pattern europes europe tyrtaean(lame greek emissary) tyana
1: ARISTOPHANES, RE-EMPOUUERED, SENATORSHIP, MISANTHROPES, REFRIGERATES. ANY-PATTERN, Pyrmontz,   2: AIN-SOPH, THEOMANIA, ASPERSION,  3: ASCERTAINS / SECTARIANS, MEANDERING, SERMONS, MISARRANGED, Tyrtaean, repouuer,  4: DREAMING, MANNERS, RAREFIES,  5: ANCESTRIES / resistance, MENACER,  6: arraigns, manure, menace,   7: PERSONAS, TANYA, PASSION, granaries, math,  8: DISARRANGE, Iohn,   9: -  10: tamperer,   11: cancer, barns,  12: barons,   13: manned,   14: monsters, Bonne, spans, 
15: sits,
16: respans, sermon,
17: -
18: -
19: Europes, rename, teeter,
20: -
21: baron,
22: agrise, Europe, sites,
23: sefira.

Key Ideas:

Aristophanes, senatorship, reempouuered, misanthropes, refrigerates, AnyPattern, Pyrmonts, misarranged, theomania, ascertains/Sectarians, aspersion, Emathion, ancestries, dreaming, repower, sermons, passion, rarefies, monster, menace, personas, manner, Europe, Bonne, manned, sites, baron, teeter.


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