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Nostradamus C9 Q90: Persian gangleaders distort Israels super-realism about art of war
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, Dec 2022, Mar 2023

The Calamity verse series in Nostradamus' PropheciesC9 Q90 is distinguished by being the only place where Nostradamus uses King of Kings in his text. Although not exclusive to God or Jesus that title is used for them  three times in the Bible . Its usage in this verse is enough for it to be considered part of the Jesus story line given that the story in the anagrams complies with several crucial attributes in the story of future religious wars told in Nostradamus'1555 Preface, 1558 Epistle and many verses in his prophecies.

The Pannonian verse series in Nostradamus' PropheciesBarren Lady & family wars in Pannonia & Adriatic regionFrom the text alone it is hard to ignore the probability that it refers to a war in which the partipants include a miltant leader with god-like status. It is indicated in the third line of text that this war involves Pannonia which is an ancient name for the region in Central-Eastern Europe. This reference plus the name appearing in the 1558 Epistle to Henry as a prominent region for the once-barren Lady and her family makes it a key verse for the Pannonia series .

Nostradamus Verse C9Q90 King of Kings Avicenna PannoniaThe above interpretation is aided by the verse's anagrams including terms such as Islum, Ierusalems, dateline and lineaged. These terms offer the foundation for a cluster that ties into the threads throughout these agennos linked verses.

The foregoing focus on wars about the legitimacy  of those claiming to be descendants of Jesus' progeny is my basis for pairing this verse with C10 Q87. This choice is boosted by the affinitive emotional state registered in each via anagrams for panic in the first line of C9 Q90 and paranoia in the last line of C10 Q87.

In this verse more detail is given about the battle for Paris during the 21st to 22ndC invasion of France. Within its anagrams is one for dreaming which links it closely to other verses in this section as does another for gangs. The reason for Paris' surrender is implied as being due to a viral attack. In addition it is able to be deduced from content of this verse that in his chants Nostradamus used sounds suited to an ancient Persian medical authority, Avicenna, as a trigger for his visions.


DATA section

A captain of Great Germany
Will come to deliver through false help
To the King of Kings the support of Pannonia,
So that his revolt will cause a great flow of blood

Vn capitaine de la grand Germanie
Seviendra rendre par ſimule ſecours
Vn Roy des roys ayde de Pannonie
Que ſa reuolte fera de ſang grand cours
L1: <~avicenna(persian medical authority) enlarged germ in a pit~><panic alienated minerva><detain gangleader panic remain><a germ garlanded vienna><captain denial> main danger enlarged dateline dreaming midrange lineaged meandering realigned aeneid

L2: <persia uuelcomes rare viruses end><ierusalemsi sources render invader><source variedness><superealism courses > universes viscerous reprimands inversed revised iesvs

L3: <say rosy deed><panned environ dyes > deep rosy day

L4: <~federate gangs loue urs square dracon~><gangs feared dracon><redsea left> faltered qreuus esqrouu
1: uuelcomers, gangleader, uuelcomes, alienated, avicenna,
2: reprimands, sourceless, universes, federates, inverses, minerva, federate, revises,
3: meandering, viscerous, lineaged, captain, faltered, environ, aureoles, gangers, viruses, eddy,
4: superrealism, ierusalems, dreaming, midrange, dateline, draftee, gangs, syros,
5: mulises, agendas, laferte, reflate,
6: variedness, misrule, fertle, aeneid, days, aseda,
7: -
8: legendari, realigned, pitai,
9: yonder, yesod,
10: squares, panic,
11: gang,
12: grandame, cordu, fleet,
13: vienna,
14: dracgon, islum, soya,
15: -
16: garlanded,
17: drapers, detain, dyes,
18: quaeres,
19: impresa, pamiers, rondy, felt, left, day,
20: sources, repairs, engram, german,
21: -
22: -
23: panderer, maris,

Key Ideas:

gangleader, welcomes, superrealism, reprimands, sourceless, meandering, alienated, Avicenna, Jerusalems, viscerous, universes, variedness, inverses, federates, lineaged, dreaming, captain, Minerva, faltered, realigned, viruses, agendas, panic, misrule, reflate, environ, dateline.


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